GSOC 2020

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Mohammad Ahmad

Mar 13, 2020, 10:54:23 AM3/13/20
to Genome Informatics-Google Summer of Code Group
Mohammad Ahmad here, I want to participate in GSOC, want to contribute to your organization. I really like the Data Table functionality and performance ( WormBase) project, it matches my skills and interests. I emailed to the mentor  Sibyl Gao but got no response.
Where should I start contributing? and help in writing my GSoC proposal. 

shubham patel

Mar 13, 2020, 10:54:23 AM3/13/20
to Genome Informatics-Google Summer of Code Group
Hi, I am Shubham patel 3rd year computer science student at SMVDU. I am intersted in doing project 14 Word and Sentence completion for curatorial remarks under your guidance. I have good experience with NLP and JavaScript and i have done numerous projects on both of them.

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