New v4.2.1 small variant benchmark and precisionFDA challenge manuscripts

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Zook, Justin M. (Fed)

Dec 7, 2020, 4:15:41 PM12/7/20
to, GIAB Analysis Team

Dear Genome in a Bottle Community,


We’re excited to make two new resources available for benchmarking small variants in challenging regions of the genome, including in difficult genes like PMS2 and the MHC:

  1. We have released the v4.2.1 benchmark for HG002, HG003, and HG004 on both GRCh37 and GRCh38.  This version has a few refinements described in the readme, and is also the first benchmark using long reads for the parents on GRCh37.  A new version of the preprint updated to describe v4.2.1 is at, and the benchmarks are available under the NISTv4.2.1 directory for each genome at.
  2. As an important example use case of the v4.2.1 benchmark, we have worked with precisionFDA to post a preprint about the precisionFDA Truth Challenge V2: Calling variants from short- and long-reads in difficult-to-map regions at


Thank you to all of you who contributed to this work, and please let us know if you have any questions or have any suggestions for these resources!



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