Some hosts missing user key

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Oct 12, 2021, 8:37:06 PM10/12/21
to GENI Users

I don't know to what extent this might be related to other ongoing issues at InstaGENI, but I had this issue a few times tonight (on different InstaGENI sites) where:
  • resources are reserved in a slice
  • the resources are ready to log in
  • one of the slice members is not able to log in to one of the hosts (this slice member is able to log in to the other hosts in the same slice)
  • I see that for this slice member on this host, the user account exists but there is no .ssh directory and no authorized_keys file. 
I poked around in one case and noticed that in /var/emulab/logs/bootsetup.debug on that host, it said

*** /usr/local/etc/emulab/rc/rc.accounts:
    WARNING: Skipping since [USERNAME] existed before EmulabMan!

but I'm not sure what caused this exactly. any ideas?
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