ExoGENI Testbed is offline

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Cevik, Mert

no llegida,
2 de jul. 2021, 9:10:352/7/21
a geni-or...@googlegroups.com,geni-...@googlegroups.com

ExoGENI Testbed is offline due to an infrastructure problem. Work is in progress in the datacenter and I will send updates.

Best regards,


Mert Cevik
Sr. Linux & Network Systems Administrator
RENCI/UNC Chapel Hill
Phone: 919-445-9659

Cevik, Mert

no llegida,
2 de jul. 2021, 21:45:202/7/21
a geni-or...@googlegroups.com,geni-...@googlegroups.com
ExoGENI is still unavailable for GENI slices.
ExoSM controller and majority of the services could be started with recovery for active slivers, however new slice creation is not possible at this time.
Users should be able to use active slivers. Our work to bring the testbed online will continue after the weekend.
Please let us know is you have urgent needs for active slivers. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Cevik, Mert

no llegida,
6 de jul. 2021, 15:23:426/7/21
a geni-...@googlegroups.com,geni-or...@googlegroups.com
Majority of the services on the ExoGENI Testbed is restored.
We are still having problems with stitching service, however testbed resources can be used for slices without stitched links.

Updates will be sent when stitching service is restored.

Cevik, Mert

no llegida,
15 de jul. 2021, 2:03:1115/7/21
a geni-or...@googlegroups.com,geni-...@googlegroups.com,Cevik, Mert

Stitching service is restored. All services are are active and ExoGENI resources can be used for slices.

Best regards,

> --
> --- IMPORTANT! : All ExoGENI issues should be reported to this list (until further notice)
> --- Please visit ExoGENI wiki before asking questions: http://wiki.exogeni.net
> --- All issues/questions will be responded to by ExoGENI Ops team
> --- For issues reported before 12pm EDT (M-F), you should receive a response before 5pm ET same day. For issues reported after 12pm (M-F) you should receive a response before 12PM the next business day. Issues reported Sat and Sun will be responded to by the following Monday 5pm ET.
> ---
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