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Announcing the 2018 GENI Experimenter Contest

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Fraida Fund

Sep 14, 2017, 4:02:40 PM9/14/17
to GENI in Education
Hello GENI experimenters,

I am pleased to announce the 2018 GENI Experimenter Contest! Many of you are starting a new academic year and will be attempting or supervising experiments that run on GENI this semester; consider submitting an experiment to this contest for a chance to win up to $2000 and a travel grant to CNERT '18 (to take place with INFOCOM '18 in Honolulu, HI). Some additional details can be found below (and also in the attached flyer).

Please also feel free to share this announcement/flyer with colleagues and friends who may be interested in entering.




The contest is open to anyone who uses GENI, including students, faculty, and industry, inside or outside of the United States. You may enter as an individual, or as a team (of any size).


Winners will be awarded:

  • Travel grants  for the first, second, and third place teams (up to $4000 per team) to demo their work at CNERT ‘18, to take place with INFOCOM in Honolulu, HI in April 2018. The travel grants are supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
  • Cash awards of $2000, $1500 and $1000 for the first, second and third place teams respectively. The cash awards are sponsored by Ciena and Matrix Integration.

Travel grants can reimburse accommodation, airfare, and CNERT registration. Travel grants are not available for winning team members from institutions outside the United States. All winners are eligible for the cash awards, including teams from outside the United States.

(Judges reserve the right to not make any awards or make fewer than three awards if there are not enough entries of sufficient quality.)


  • Submission deadline: January 22, 2018.
  • Presentations and demos (online): February 2018.
  • Winners will demo their work at CNERT, held with INFOCOM in Honolulu, HI: April 2018.

Register your team at to receive announcements about deadlines and submission procedures.


Submissions will be judged by a panel on the following criteria:

  • Suitability. Is this a good use of GENI? Experiments that cannot be run on today's Internet are of particular interest.
  • Merit. Will the results of the experiment be of value to the research community or to industry? Does it have the potential to advance the state of the art or practice?
  • Methodology. Did the team clearly lay out objectives, run suitable experiments, collect appropriate measurements, perform suitable analysis, and draw valid conclusions?
  • Reproducibility. Is the experiment easy to reproduce? Did the team use good practices for reproducibility such as postboot (install/execute) scripts, configuration scripts etc.? Are all steps and materials needed to reproduce the experiments well documented?
  • Presentation. Were the concepts and the experiment presented clearly, both in the written submission and verbally in the online presentation?


  • Teams will submit a short paper (up to 4 pages) describing experiment goals, the details of the experiment, analysis of the data collected, and conclusions drawn.
  • Teams also submit instructions and materials to reproduce the experiment (code, data, RSpecs).

Teams will also present and demo their submission over the Internet for the judges.


Questions about the contest? Email  Teams are also invited to consult with a GENI expert who will not be on the panel of judges about their experiment. For example, we can advise you on:

  • finding tutorials that teach you how to use relevant capabilities of GENI,
  • GENI resources and utilities that are available to support your experiment,
  • how to "port" an existing experiment to GENI,
  • how to scale up an experiment on GENI,

and similar matters. Email to set up consultations by email, phone, or video chat.

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