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DUE FRIDAY: Travel Grants for Participation in the Chameleon User’s Group Meeting

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Abraham Matta

Jan 7, 2019, 1:58:53 PM1/7/19

Travel Grants for Participation in the Chameleon User’s Group Meeting

February 6-7, 2019, Austin, TX

  • Do you teach a cloud computing course, a networking course, or a distributed systems course in which you'd like to integrate cloud computing?
  • Are you a GENI user interested in incorporating a cloud into your experiment?
  • Are you a cloud researcher not sure how to integrate a network into your experiment?
  • Are you a domain science researcher looking to use a cloud in your research with a network to ship your data?

Chameleon is a configurable experimental environment supported by NSF for large-scale cloud research.  The next Chameleon User's Group meeting is a one-and-a-half day meeting, February 6-7, 2019, that offers advanced tutorials to help get you started in these directions.  


In addition to an Introduction to Chameleon tutorial, there will be a tutorial on how to stitch ExoGENI sites to Chameleon to allow  communication among them, and a “bring your own controller” (BYOC) tutorial illustrating how to integrate SDN controllers in such a stitched environment.


We have a limited number of funds to support the travel of instructors, senior researchers, and domain scientists to attend and participate in the next Chameleon User's Group meeting.  While experience using GENI is expected, no experience using Chameleon is assumed.


To apply, please fill out the Travel Application form:  Please briefly indicate your experience with GENI, how you will benefit from attending the CUG meeting, and if you are interested in presenting a GENI demo during the evening reception on the first day (in this case, additional travel support for one collaborator may be available.)


Applicants must be based at US institutions – travel grants are sponsored by the US National Science Foundation.


If you have any questions, please email Violet Syrotiuk <> and Ibrahim Matta <>.


Deadline: Friday, January 11, 2019

Notification: Monday, January 14, 2019


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