Dear GENI Colleagues,
I expect that the attached call for the next Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI) workshop will be of interest to many of you.
This workshop is the second in the GEFI sequence and builds on the long-running US-EU workshop series connecting the GENI and Fed4FIRE communities, as well as a number of other collaborations among the US, EU, Japan, Brazil, and Korea (e.g., FIBRE-EU,
SwitchOn, JUNO/JUNO2). Topics of interest include testbed-supported experimentation and federation of testbeds, with a strong emphasis on international collaborations. Additional information is included in the attached call.
Past workshops have been by invitation only, but this year interested participants are invited to submit position statements and session proposals. I hope that the GENI community will be strongly represented.
Submission requirements are simple (2 page position statement or session proposal), but the due dates are coming right up:
Session proposals: July 20
Position statements: July 27
Please note that the GENI project office has grant funds available to cover travel expenses for participants from US institutions.