Lab sequence for a bottom-up course in computer networks following Stallings

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Fraida Fund

Sep 28, 2017, 3:30:30 PM9/28/17
to GENI in Education
Hi GENI educators,

I put up a web page showing the lab sequence we use for our undergrad communication networks course in the ECE department here at NYU Tandon.

This is a complete bottom-up lab sequence for an undergrad course in computer networks, following William Stallings' "Data and Computer Communications" textbook. The main sequence includes 9 lab assignments (approximately 1 lab per 1 week or 1.5 week during the semester, not including the standard GENI "Lab 0"). There are also 5 "extra" lab exercises for students interested in engaging further with the material. Each lab in the main sequence includes background information on the topic, step-by-step instructions for running the experiment, and an "Exercise" section with questions that students may answer.

I am sharing this page with the list in case it is of interest to anyone here - I would of course be very happy to answer any questions potential adopters might have about the material.

Fraida Fund
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
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