Integration of web and print publication?

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Jun 23, 2013, 3:24:27 PM6/23/13
Hello all,

I am wondering if any of you guys here have experience with the integration of print and online publication? We have an annual print publication and would like to make it more web-friendly, or even revamp the process, thinking web-first. I am sure this has been done effectively before elsewhere and would love to learn from you guys. What is your experience in doing this? What is the strategic value in having done so? What technologies did you use? 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks a lot guys!


Christophe Noualhat

Jun 24, 2013, 4:27:47 AM6/24/13
to geneva-web-group

Havent done much of this as its always a no-no to have hyperlinks in a printed document (only the pdf version would make good use of them), my only experience and reflection on this would be to use QR-codes in strategic places which would send the user somewhere online... 



Christophe Noualhat | Madagascar Country Office | ONUSIDA   
Maison Commune des Nations Unies
 | Zone Galaxy, Andraharo | B. P. 1348
Antananarivo 101 | Madagascar | T:+261 20 23 300 92 Ext 5002 |

Getting to Zero  |  Zero new HIV infections  |  Zero discrimination  |  Zero AIDS-related death


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Neil Hepburn

Jun 24, 2013, 5:19:15 AM6/24/13
Instead of sending out print material, send out tablets :-)

I would love some of your material...



Gilles Demarty

Jun 24, 2013, 5:36:23 AM6/24/13
Hi Ling,

I would suggest the following : 
 * That you integrate in your printed publications a message encouraging to switch to the web publication, purposely for the green impact.
 * That you integrate web only content (video, audio, interactive content) on your web communications, and incentive people to go to the web version by integrating links in the printed versions. 
      * Instead of using traditional links, use the trend of short urls (like ) so that it gets easy for the users to type it
      *  QRCodes are still not understood by the vast majority of people so i would advise against it. But it depends how tech-savvy is your target population

I think any newspaper platform would be interesting as a case study. How the New York Times manage their publishing in the different medium (paper, web site, mobile web site, mobile app, iPad app and the like) by slightly rewriting the articles can be enlighting.
Have a look at the big trend of Adaptive Content Design and the work of Karen McGrane for more information on it.

Kind regards,

Gilles Demarty
Lausanne, Switzerland
UX Architect :ratio | Leader UX Romandie | Core Team Member  


Jun 24, 2013, 4:45:01 PM6/24/13
Hi Gilles,

Thanks so much for your valuable comments! The short urls is definitely something we could do. I have the same doubt about QR code as well - our audience is not necessarily a techie bunch. 

I'll have a look at Karen McGrane's presentation - it looks highly interesting and fitting for what we want to do. 

Thanks again Gilles,


Neil Hepburn

Jun 25, 2013, 6:35:59 AM6/25/13
I would actually suggest making apps (iOS, Android, Windows Phone & BB) - whilst this may seem complex, it could actually be quite simple.  The apps themselves could just contain links to existing web content, documents or "bookmark" type lists.  This would create a simple and engaging process for your audience.  Also, if you have any new material or updated material to distribute it would be automatically updated through the users app store of choice. 

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Ling <> wrote:



Christophe Noualhat

Jun 25, 2013, 6:09:05 AM6/25/13
to geneva-web-group
If you go for short URLs I would advise going with a system where you can choose your own URLs and not a like which will give you short but unreadable URLS... for UNAIDS we setup short and readable URLs in the past, like , etc... if you can do the same it would be best. Agree that QR codes depend on your audience... 



Christophe Noualhat | Madagascar Country Office | ONUSIDA   
Maison Commune des Nations Unies
 | Zone Galaxy, Andraharo | B. P. 1348
Antananarivo 101 | Madagascar | T:+261 20 23 300 92 Ext 5002 |

Getting to Zero  |  Zero new HIV infections  |  Zero discrimination  |  Zero AIDS-related death

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