Re: {GWG: 2305} Choosing a new design for a Wordpress site

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Fernando Zarur

Feb 7, 2013, 3:14:47 PM2/7/13

Hi Timo,
Nice post sir. I would just add there a big red button warning about free wordpress themes and security. A free theme is a great way to open many inviting wholes into your website. Besides a premium theme being a must, I would also recommend a wordpress monitoring antivirus monitoring service. There some relatively efficient and cheap companies out there that provide it.


-- sent from mobile

On Feb 7, 2013 10:11 AM, "Timo Luege" <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've been playing with WordPress for a couple of years now and one of the things I really like about the platform is that it is comparatively easy to change the design. However, there are so many pre-fabricated designs out there that it can be difficult to figure out what to look for. I just wrote a short blog post explaining what I'm thinking about when looking for new Wordpress designs:

All the best,


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Daniel D'Esposito

Feb 8, 2013, 4:26:34 AM2/8/13
Nice post, Tim. At Huridocs we also love Wordpress and use it for sites with advanced architectures like

For themes we usually go with Canvas by Woo Themes and then ask a graphic designer to make the design. Woo themes are excellent quality and rhey are always at the cutting edge so responsive design is standard in the latest ones. On our website we use the Woo Simplicity theme straight out of the box.

Hosting is also important and we put our VIP sites on WP Engine so we don't have to worry about security, backups or caching. They even have a CDN. Its more expensive but the peace of mind and performance boost is worth it to us.

To create custom content types and taxonomies, essential if you have a big website with thousands of articles that need to be accessed in multiple ways (by theme, region and country, type) we recommend to use WP Types which is simple and powerful and made by the same people who are behind WPML) and Dynamic Widgets to create sections in your site by displaying widgets on specific pages or post groups).

Wordpress has been so useful to us that we have developed our own plugins to take it even further. These include plugins for faceted search and browsing, displaying spreadsheet data using Google charts, displaying very specific boxes of content in the sidebar (for example recent news about theme or recent publications about a region).

These plugins will be published soon so if you are interested and dont want to miss them please register on our mailing list at or write to

Is there anybody else working with Wordpress on this list? I know we missed a Geneva wordpress meetup recently so if you hear of the next one please post it here!

Best wishes, 

Sent from my iPhone

Fernando Zarur

Feb 10, 2013, 6:34:50 AM2/10/13
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