On 8/6/2021 4:09 PM, Cary Coutant wrote:
> I'll hold the value 261 for you. Please provide the following:
> - Company name: Tachyum
> - Name of architecture/processor:
> - Preferred EM_ name:
> - Contact info (will this be you?): name, email and/or phone
> If there's any public info about the processor, please provide a URL.
> (We won't publish your email or phone number.)
> If you don't have a processor name yet, I'll just list it as "reserved by Tachyum".
Sorry, for some reason your message got marked as spam.
I'm a fine contact point.
Jeff Law
Use "Tachyum" as the processor name. That seems to be the consensus
here. EM_TACHYUM should be fine as well.
No current public information. What's out there is quite dated.