Please help us test the next version of GeneMANIA!

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Gary Bader

Apr 14, 2011, 9:58:05 PM4/14/11
Please help us test the next version of GeneMANIA! It will only take a few seconds (and about 30 minutes of your computer’s idle time).

Simply visit with your favourite web browser. Visiting this site will automatically run our test suite on our site from your computer. Any problems it finds with our site will be sent back to us so that we can fix them. The tests take about 30 minutes to finish. Your participation will be a big help to the GeneMANIA project -- by running the tests in your browser, we can detect browser and operating system specific problems that would be difficult for us to detect otherwise.

A few points about the test:
1: The tests may slow your browser, so we recommend running them when you’re not surfing the web. Also, the GeneMANIA website works best with the latest browser version (e.g. at least Firefox 3.6, Safari 4, Internet Explorer 8 or Chrome 9)

2: To ensure that the tests run smoothly, please keep the tests open in a separate browser window---not just a separate browser tab---and do not minimise the window or run multiple tabs of the tests. You should not need to monitor the tests and they will not interfere with your computer - they will only run in a webpage.

3: If you’re using Internet Explorer, you will see slow script messages. Please continue when these messages appear. If you want to use a shorter set of tests to reduce these messages, please try:

The GeneMANIA team

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