Family History and DNA

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Mar 18, 2013, 5:23:46 PM3/18/13
to Genealogy
Family History and DNA

DNA Ancestry Tests Are 'Meaningless'
for Your Historical Genealogy Search

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Sense About Genetic Ancestry Testing

Many companies now offer to tell you about
your ancestors from a DNA test. Adverts for
these tests can give the impression that your
results are unique and that the tests will tell
you about your specific personal history, but
the very same history that you receive could
equally be given to thousands of other people.
Conversely, the results from your DNA tests
could be matched with all sorts of different
stories to the one you are given: you cannot
look at DNA and read it like a book or a map
of a journey. This guide will help explain
why, and what it is exactly that genetic
ancestry companies are offering.

Not only is our common ancestor estimated
to have lived 3,500 years ago, but reasonable
estimates show that every individual alive
around 5,000 years ago was either a common
ancestor of everyone alive today, or of no
one alive today. So at that point in the past
we all have exactly the same set of ancestors.

Since Noah and his sons were the only men
surviving the flood, all patriarchal genetic
diversity concentrated with Noah . . . resulting
in a more recent patriarchal lineage than
matriarchal. Genetics and Genealogy:
In Search of Our "Biblical Common Ancestor"

Respectfully yours,

V. Chris & Tom Tinney, Sr.
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