THIS GAZETTE notifies, that the appointment of Commissary in Chief is revoked from the 24th inst.; and that the Lords of the Treasury have appointed, MR. J. C. HERRIES, late Commissary of Chief, to be Auditor of the Civil List, in pursuance of the Act 56 Geo. III. cap. 46.
BULLETIN shewn yesterday at St. .James's : "Windsor Castle, Nov. 2. - His Majesty was rather less composed than usual during the former part of the month; but his Majesty has since resumed his tranquility and is in good bodily health. HENRY HALFORD, M. BAILLIE, W. HEBEREDEN, ROBERT WILLIS ." - DUKE OF KENT born Nov. 2, 1767 - a grand dinner at Fishmonger's Hall, Saturday, in commemoration of his Royal Highness's birth day - this as a public tribute of gratitude for the Duke's beneficent exertions in support of the numerous public charities of the metropolis - LORD MAYOR presided in the chair, supported by the DUKE OF SUSSEX, DUKE OF ORLEANS, LORDS ERSKINE and MOUNTFORT, and several other public characters - many excellent speeches fraught with the purest sentiments of benevolence and philanthropy, from the above Royal and other distinguished personages - No less than 53 public charities stated to be promoted or patronised by the DUKE OF KENT. - DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND, as well as DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER, said to be in a way likely to increase the Royal Line of Brunswick. - DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE now at Paris - received with great distinction by the King and others of the Bourbon family.
LIEUT-GEN. SIR H. CLINTON obliged to relinquish his command under the DUKE OF WELLINGTON, in consequence of an asthmatic complaint. - Spanish Patriots in the province of Tucuman, have declared their independence in Congress assembled, and sent the same to the American President, to be by him laid before Congress. - Son of the celebrated GUERILLA CHIEF MINA, in September last, about to depart from Baltimore for the Spanish Main, with arms, money, military stores, and 300 French and Spanish officers, to join the patriots. - A Lieutenant-Colonel on the staff in Flanders, horsewhipped lately, by one of the Clerks of the Commissariat, for making love to his wife - a duel (happily bloodless) ensued, but the DUKE OF WELLINGTON has ordered a Court of Inquiry on the gallant's conduct.
Among extraordinary occurrences of the year 1088, in the reign of WILLIAM II, it is recorded, that there was a great scarcity of corn, and the same not ripe until the end of November ! - At the sale of a woollen draper's effects in Exeter last week, best superfine broad cloths fetched no more than l. 5s. per yard, and ladies' pelisse cloths 6s. 6d. - Experiment of innoculating dogs above the roof of the ear with the cow pock virus, as a preventative against the distemper, said to have been successfully practised in Sussex. - GLUTTONY EXTRAORDINARY - A young hog, three months old, was about ten days ago, to decide a wager, and killed, scalded, cooked, and ate , in the short space of one hour, by four persons, at Framfield, Sussex. - R. HOBBS, master of the Workhouse at Turnham Green, sentenced at Middlesex Sessions, Saturday, to 12 months imprisonment for abusing the person of MARY POVEY, a child of twelve years of age, who was in the workhouse under his care.