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CUMBERLAND PACQUET 12 November 1816 / PARIS, Oct. 26.

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Barb Baker

Jan 6, 2012, 12:17:55 PM1/6/12
PARIS, Oct. 26.
About the commencement of October the military authorities communicated to the civil functionaries of Lyons, the existence of a conspiracy, of which the object was to proclaim the auspicious Child of Buonaparte Emperor, to set fire to the four quarters of the town, to let loose the malefactors, and assassinate the Nobels and Priests.  Depots of arms and ammunition were formed.  The countries of Auvergne, and the Loire were represented as accomplices in the insurrection; an illumination on the Place de Roanne was to prove the signal of instantaneous rising.
In fact, on the indicated day, an old woman did burn some straw from her mattress, when the patroles circulated through the streets, domiciliary visits were made, and finally on the night of the 22d of October, six individuals of the obscurest class of the people were apprehended, and accused of having made propositions to a Brigadier of the Gendarmerie, who in all probability incited them so to do.
Fortunately the prudent firmness of the Prefect and Lieutenant of Police, who refused to connive in the propagation of false alarms, prevented the prosecution of more rigorous measures.
This electioneering manoeuvre, which passes at Lyons under the name of the "Conspiration Canuel," was intended by that celebrated General to divert the attention of the civil authorities from their administrative duties.  It was not till the 3d that the denunciation was first made.  Being able to produce no ulterior proof, the Ultras now complain of the premature apprehension of these individuals, these redoubtable chiefs, denounced as meditating the overthrow of the Kingdom of the Bourbons.  They have given no other hold to their accusers than certain expressions of discontent, (the inseparable concomitants of a long revolution) uttered in a pot house.
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