Carlisle Journal, 09 Dec 1815 - Local News

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Petra Mitchinson

Aug 28, 2021, 9:29:02 PM8/28/21
to CUL Google Group,, Genealogy email list for Cumberland

Saturday 09 Dec 1815   (p. 3, col. 2-4)


It is truly melancholy to observe the distressed state of the farming interest in this county; and without there is speedily granted some alleviation from the grinding system of taxation, now so rigorously enforced, it is impossible for the industrious farmer to meet the exigency of the times. Some political writers recommend the great landed proprietors to lower their rents; this we consider as merely a shifting and temporary expedient, although it demonstrates great feeling and compassion for the sufferings of others. However, at this critical juncture, even a temporary expedient would be thankfully received by the distressed farmer: but, so far from even this trifling boon being likely to be granted, we are informed (and we state it with grief), that a great personage, whose landed possessions in the north are almost co-extensive with the limits of a county, has refused to make the least abatement in his rents. This determination is the more to be deplored, because we know the good old English character of every man thinking and acting for himself is now nearly obliterated; and the times have introduced in its place, adulators, apologists, and copyists, who would not, on any consideration, apparently be at variance with the acts and deeds of a great personage.


Very early on Sunday morning, as Mr. Richard ROBSON, of Thurstonfield, shoemaker, was proceeding homeward, after attending Carlisle market, as was his usual custom, he was attacked by a villain, a short distance from a place called Cobble-hall, who, whilst ROBSON's horse was stopping at a runner to drink, struck him off the animal by two violent blows on the head with a bludgeon, and laid it open. In this situation the miscreant rifled his pockets of a one pound note (missing in his hurry another, which was in the same pocket), and made off. Mr. ROBSON was much hurt, but not dangerously.—The robber had dogged him a considerable distance, and the other, thinking that he was a countryman returning home like himself, repeatedly called on him to come up, which he declined to do, until a proper opportunity occurred of forming an acquaintance which poor Crispin, no doubt, would have been very glad to have dispensed with.


A turnip was pulled this week on the ground of Mr. Shadrach HOLME, of Botcherby, near this city, which weighed 39lbs, including the top; being the largest noticed in the Carlisle Journal this year, fertile as it has been of gigantic vegetable productions.


There is at present growing in the garden of Mr. Wm. DALTON, Kirkbythore, a cabbage, the girth of which is upwards of 4 feet, independently of the leaves. In the same garden, last season, there were several gooseberries which measured 4½ inches in circumference.


In a paragraph, last week, respecting Messrs. DIXON & Son having given an entertainment to their work-people, on occasion of the erection of a water-wheel, which was deservedly reckoned a fine piece of mechanism; we ought to have said that it was 23 feet in diameter, instead of 24 feet ni [sic] circumference.


On Tuesday last, a child of Mr. James ATKINSON, of Kendal, was unfortunately burned to death in the absence of its parents.


The Rev. W. T. SIMPSON, M. A. is presented to the rectory of Thurnscoe, Yorkshire.


An infant, left asleep in its cradle, at a farm house in the Isle of Man, was devoured by a pig, about a fortnight ago.


THE JUSTICE PUZZLED; A TRUE TALE.—Some time since, two persons in Cumberland went with an artist before a Justice, at Penrith, with a very grievous complaint against the latter, which was, as they said, for keeping the Commandments.—This was so uncommon a case, the Justice requested an explanation.—The two men said, they were churchwardens, and as their church had been lately rebuilt, they wanted their commandments painted anew, and had given them to this man to be done. To induce him to do them well, they had paid half the money agreed for in hand, and the balance was to be paid when he had finished the job; but they had called on him time after time for two or three years past, but for all they could say or do, he would keep the commandments.


The Brothers, of Workington, W. MOOR, master, arrived at that place on Wednesday, after being 13 weeks outward bound to Miramachi, and made Cape Raze on the coast of America, yet she was obliged to put back again light, from the very tempestuous weather, having lost two men and carried away all her sails.



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