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CUMBERLAND PACQUET, November 12, 1816 / page 2 / NEWS ARTICLES

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Barb Baker

Nov 18, 2011, 11:16:54 AM11/18/11
to genealogy-cumberland
Friday se'ennight the LORD BISHOP OF CHESTER consecrated the beautiful new church at Newton Heath, near Manchester.
MR. JOHN TAYLOR, of Thornby, in this county, aged 87, has assisted in the reaping of corn all the season, and has regularly taken the foremost ridge.
JAMES DOUGLAS, condemned to death for sheep-stealing, at our last assizes, has had his sentence commuted to one year's imprisonment.
In the night of the 20th ult. the house of HENRY FRIZZELL, Esq. situate in the county of Wexford, was entered by seven desperadoes, who murdered him;  it is supposed, because he recently dispossessed some of his tenantry of their ground, which he took into his own possession.
A sow, 18 months old, the property of R. WALLACE, in Grougar Mains, parish of Kilmarnock, was killed lately, and weighed 42 stones.
A singular circumstance occurred on Sunday se'enight, in the church yard at Granstoun.  A hare had taken refuge in the church yard, and having been discovered by some of the congregation, who were awaiting the ringing of the bell, a general hunt immediately ensued; and the sport continued until the hare was at last caught and dispatched.  The fortunate husband was in the act of retreating with his prey, when the beadle claimed and took the hare as his property.  Two questions occur upon this occastion; 1st, to the gentlemen of the association for the protection of game ... Is the beadle or the huntsman liable in the statutory penalty of the act 1521, and the game act ?  2dly, to the Procurator Fiscal ... Is it lawful to hunt on the Sabbath day ? -
Edinburgh Paper.
Runcorn Bridge. - Tuesday week; a numerous meeting of the friends of the intended Bridge from Liverpool, and the counties of Chester and Stafford, was held by adjournment at Runcorn, "to receive plans and estimates for carrying the proposed undertaking into effect." 
Six different plans were presented on this occasion: --
One was for a stone bridge of seven arches.
One for an iron bridge of five ditto.
One of framed timber of five ditto.
One of timber consisting of two only.
A chain bridge of a thousand feet span, carrying a road way 110 feet above high water; and
one of nearly a similar construction and dimensions, but consisting of iron bars faggotted together, instead of links.
The last two seemed to obtain the preference of the meeting, as combining all the objects without any inconvenience.  But as other plans are expected previous to the next meeting, which will be towards the close of the present month, when probably the committee may come to the final determination;  we have only to observe that all the resolutions were discussed with moderation, and passed without a dissenting voice. --
Manchester Mercury.

Petra Mitchinson

Nov 18, 2011, 11:37:18 AM11/18/11
Barb transcribed:
>> JAMES DOUGLAS, condemned to death for sheep-stealing, at our last assizes, has had his sentence commuted to one year's imprisonment. <<
It all sounds a bit disproportionate, doesn't it?
I think the statutory penalty for sheep stealing was probably still the death penalty then, and perhaps the commutation sentence took into account the inappropriateness of such a sentence for a (by that time) relatively minor offence?
----- Original Message -----
From: Barb Baker
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 4:16 PM
Subject: [CUL GOOGLIES] CUMBERLAND PACQUET, November 12, 1816 / page 2 / NEWS ARTICLES


Barb Baker

Nov 18, 2011, 12:01:26 PM11/18/11
to genealogy-cumberland
The Manks Harvest is now nearly gotten in - the wheat crop in many places greatly injured by the wet - the barley has also suffered - but the oats and potatoes are more than an average crop. - The Herring Fishery, during the greater part of last week was apparently at an end, but has again called into action the exertions of the fishermen.  On Friday se'ennight a number of them went to sea; all the boats out were very successful.  On Monday they were equally so, and on Tuesday morning the harbour presented a more abundant supply of "the finny tribe" than any other day since the commencement of the season.  One of the boats had such a heavy draft as rendered it necessary to cut away a great portion of her train of nets, and hand it over, loaden with fish, to another boat, as a reward for bringing her nets safe into port.
Card Notes.  The traffic which for some time past has been so mischieviously carried on, and to such an alarming extent in the Isle of Mann, has, we understand, at length come under the just and praiseworthy recognition and restraint of the Insular Legislature, who, as we also understand, have come to an unanimous determination to suppress it in toto; and for that purpose have passed an act whereby a fine of fifty pounds for each offence is to be inflicted on any person who after six months from the promulgation of the act shall utter or put in circulation any cash or card note for any sum less than one pound British.
          That from and after the promulgation of the act, the property of every banker or issuer of cash notes, of what nature or kind soever, shall be rendered subject to the payment of such cashments.  That all persons who may hereafter follow the occupation of Bankers or cash note issuers within this Isle, shall first obtain a licence from the Governor or Lieutenant Governor and Council so to do, and pay for such licence an annual sum of 20 l. British, to be applied towards the highroad fund ; and that all such licenced bankers shall be bound to discharge their cash notes in gold, silver, Bank of England notes, or in good and sufficient drafts on Bankers in London, payable in two months from the date of the same.
          So far, we apprehend, the legislature have done all in their power to suppress the existing evil, and this will, we hope, lead to some domestic or foreign arrangement, whereby a good and valuable circulating medium may hereafter be supplied, by which the ordinary  purposes of trade and commerce can be conveniently carried on.
end of page 2.

Eddie Edmondson

Nov 18, 2011, 9:24:51 PM11/18/11
>The Manks Harvest is now nearly gotten in<
Does this mean that people from the IOM are/were manky?????

Barb Baker

Nov 18, 2011, 10:53:32 PM11/18/11
I don't know, but I sure checked out the word Manks to make sure that is what it said
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