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CUMBERLAND PACQUET 12 November 1816 / LONDON Nov. 4

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Barb Baker

Jan 6, 2012, 12:08:08 PM1/6/12
 LONDON, November 4.
On Saturday, the annual sermon was preached at the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster, according to the will of MRS. JOAN BARNETT, commonly called the Oatmeal Woman, who left to twenty poor widows of that parish, forty shillings a year each for ever; 20s. for a sermon; 20s. to the parish officers for a treat; and 2s. 6d. to the clerk and sexton.  A condition of her will is, that one of the dishes is to be an oatmeal pudding.
In digging up part of a field a few days ago, through which the new road, between Youghal and Killough, in Ireland, is to pass, at least a waggon load of pikes were discovered buried in the earth.  From their appearance they had in all probability been thus concealed from the time of the last rebellion.
The Russian Troops now under arms are estimated at 1,200,000 men, according to the last accounts from St. Petersburgh.
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