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CUMBERLAND PACQUET, November 12, 1816 / page 2 / NEWS ARTICLES

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Barb Baker

Oct 28, 2011, 11:25:37 PM10/28/11
to genealogy-cumberland
CORONER - At the County Court holden at the usual place on the 24th ult. for the Election of a Coroner for the County of Cumberland, (in the room of MR. W. BENSON, deceased), MR. PETER HODGSON, solicitor, of this town was elected to that office, without opposition.
DANCING - MR. KELTY's School opens, at his Rooms in Irish street, on Monday the 25th inst. - see the advert.
A very heavy rain fell here on Wednesday evening; and about nine at night, there was one of the most severe hail showers ever remembered.  The next morning, the mountains about Ennerdale, Wasdale, &c. were seen covered with snow, and there was a most intense frost during the night.
The weather, particularly on the nights of Wednesday and Saturday, was extremely tempestuous; hail, snow, rain, and wind !  -  It is reported that a sloop was seem in distress on Wednesday evening, off St. Bees Heads;  that the people took to the boat, and reached land some time in the night, near End Foot; - but we cannot learn the name of the vessel, or any other particulars.

Barb Baker

Oct 28, 2011, 11:29:40 PM10/28/11
to genealogy-cumberland
The brig Mary , of Peterhead, arrived on the 7th ult. after being driven as far to the northward at 74, in which latitude, about four weeks previous, spoke two vessels, the Thomas and William, a barque and brig, one of them belonging to Shields, out seven weeks, but not arrived at the above date; several vessels which had got to Archangel, having had the most tedious passages of eleven and twelve weeks, owing to continued adverse gales from north and east.  There were only about 20 British vessels at Archangel, where a very great quantity of tar had just come down, and would probably remain unsold.
In the dreadful gale, on the night of Friday se'ennight, the sloop Peggy of Banff, was lost near Leith - all hands perished.

Barb Baker

Oct 28, 2011, 11:33:21 PM10/28/11
to genealogy-cumberland
The ridiculous and dangerous custom of parading the streets with blazing tar-barrels on the night of the 5th of November (chiefly observed by idle boys, who do not consider the bad consequences that may attend it) was very properly put a stop to on Tuesday evening, by the magistrates giving notice, that any persons, so offending, would be punished as the law directs.
Sunday se'enuight, the RT. REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF SODOR and MANN held an Ordination at Ramsay, when two deacons were admitted to the order of priest, and one student to that of deacon.  His Lordship also preached the ordination sermon from EZEKIEL, CHAP. 33, VER. 7. -- "Son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel, &c."
UNSTAMPED ALMANACKS.  - After referring our Readers to the Advertisement from the Stamp Office, (inserted in our Paper of the 22d ult.) we shall only add, that it is certain there are at this Time several Persons travelling the Country, for the Purpose of lodging Informations, not only against the Venders, but also against the Burgers of those unlawful Publications.  The very summary Mode of Conviction renders this Caution particularly necessary, to guard Persons from inadvertently incurring the penalties of the Acts.
We understand that the Gazette  of Saturday night was expected to contain an order for a general mourning for the KING OF WIRTEMBERG.
The eclipse of the sun next Tuesday morning the 19th inst. will be the greatest which has happened in this country for 52 years.  The duration, &c. of the eclipse, according to the true time, (by which our clocks are regulated) will be as follows:  -  Sun rise, 23 m. before 8 o'clock;  beginning of the eclipse, 8 o'clock; greatest obstruction, 5 m. past 9; end 15 m. past 10.

Barb Baker

Nov 3, 2011, 6:29:53 PM11/3/11
to genealogy-cumberland
CUMBERLAND PACQUET, November 12, 1816 / page 2 / NEWS ARTICLES
In our paper of the 22d ult. we mentioned the circumstance of the "Thomas", of Maryport, HENRY BOWMAN, Master, Having been plundered by a pirate, on her passage from Liverpool to Alexandria in Virginia; - the following particulars, respecting that affair, have now been communicated by the Captain.
"On the 17th of August, at 8 a.m., saw a sail to the N.W. , and at 2 p.m., was within hail of  us, with French colours  hoisted; hailed us and then hoisted Spanish colours --  The Captain ordered me to put the boat out, and go on board of him, with my papers as fast as possible.  -  I asked him from whence he came, and where his vessel belonged to. He answered, from sea; and belonged to Carthagena.  I went on board, and found the men all under arms. - The Captain them examined my papers, and sent his first Lieutenant and five men, on board the "Thomas".  I remained on board the pirate.  They came back, but had taken nothing overboard.  He then went himself, with six men, and let us all go on board with him, and took the following articles from the ship, viz. - a new yawl, two casks of paint, a cheese, and a dozen of porter.  He next ordered his men to cut the tarpaulins, and break the fore-hatch open, which was soon done.
He afterwards broke into a box of hats, and took all out of it. - This pirate is schooner rigged, with eight guns and 43 men. - Two of my men entered on board with them;  their names of WILLIAM YOUNG and WILLIAM WOOD; both Irishmen."
The "Thomas" arrived at Hampton Roads on the 1st of September, and at Alexandria on the 7th.


Barb Baker

Nov 3, 2011, 6:52:04 PM11/3/11
to genealogy-cumberland
The "Albion", POTTS, of this port, sailed from Dublin the 30th ult. for Antigua.
In the spring of this year, three potatoes were planted whole, in a garden near Lancaster.  -- They were set about two feet asunder, and when the tops were grown a few inches high, were covered up with manure and soil.  On the 25th ult.their produce was got up, amounting in number to 598 (viz. 134, I90, and 224) potatoes, and weighing 76 lb.
On the 4th inst. a cart going from Ramsay to Kirk Michael (Isle of Mann) laden with iron and coals, was overturned;  the horses having taken fright;  when a boy named KAIGHAN, about twelve years of age, was killed on the spot.  --  On the night of the 24th ult. a herring-boat, belonging to BALLAUGH was lost on a sand-bank near Kirk Andrews, and the crew, consisting of nine persons, were unfortunately drowned.
ANECDOTE. - The late REV. WILLIAM WHISTON (eminent both for his piety, and his skill in the mathematics) was much esteemed by QUEEN CAROLINE, who lived his free conversation,and frequently, when out of town, sent for him to pass a day or two with her at Richmond.  On one of the these occasions, she asked him what people in general said of her -- He replied, that they justly esteemed her a lady of great abilities, a patron of learned men, and a kind friend to the poor. --  "But (said her Majesty) no one is without faults;  pray which are mine ?"
MR. WHISTON begged to be excused speaking on that subject;  but she insisting, he said "her Majesty did not behave with proper reverence at church."  She replied, "the King would talk with her,"  He said, "A greater than Kings was there only to be regarded."  --  She acknowledged it, and confessed her fault."  -- "Pray, (says she), tell me what is my next.  --  He replied, "When I hear your Majesty has amended of that fault, I will tell you of your next."  -  So it ended.
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