KELLETT-SANDER – At Plumpton, on the 21st., MR. JOHN KELLETT,
manager of the Co-operative Society’s Store, Penrith, to MISS SARAH SANDER, of
GORNALL-WILSON – At the Wesleyan Chapel, Penrith, on the 22nd
inst., by the REV. R. BURRY, Luton (cousin of the bridegroom), assisted by the
REV. D. PEARSON, PAUL GORNALL, Esq., (senior member of the
firm of GORNALL BROS., Excelsior Works, Blackburn) to MISS JANE ANN
WILSON, only daughter of MR. JOHN WILSON, currier, Penrith.
GUEST-RUMNEY – At Brough, on the 13th inst., by the REV. W. LYDE,
vicar, MR. J. M. GUEST, accountant, London, to Elizabeth, youngest
daughter of the late JOHN RUMNEY, Esq., surgeon.
barb, ontario, canada.