Uppsala Symposium follow-up

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Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer

2011/09/30 2:21:372011/09/30
To: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com

Dear all,

It was wonderful meeting many of you in Uppsala – thank you so much for your participation in the symposium and all the discussions we had!

After the symposium the GenPhys group at the Centre for Gender Research in Uppsala met to discuss the conference follow-up and further plans for the upcoming year. Aside from a further network application that we hope to circulate for comments in the near future, we discussed the possibility of publishing a Gender & Physics Reader that would bring together both ‘foundational’ texts and newer pieces (including non-English texts we want to translate) as an introduction and overview in this field that remains under-represented in existing readers and anthologies of feminist science studies. Such a reader could include contributions to the symposium, as well as some of your earlier writings and we will contact you individually to discuss options. We aim to find a larger publisher in the US or UK that would be interested in publishing such a Reader. At this point we are interested in hearing what you think about such a project and what publishers you think could be interested – maybe you have contacts that we could build on. We would also like to ask you if you could send us some of your course syllabi to help us locate relevant texts that could be reprinted in such a volume. Our plan is to contact publishers for general interest by the end of the year, and submit a book prospectus in the spring of 2012. Any ideas, experiences and suggestions from network participants are highly appreciated!

We also discussed possibilities to co-organise a final conference together with the Body/Embodiment Group at Uppsala in November 2012 around materialities and dis/embodiments in the physical sciences – this event is still in the making and we will keep you updated about further developments. Elvira will look into setting up a blog as a further meeting space as was suggested at the symposium.

For books published at the Centre for Gender Research see http://www.gender.uu.se/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=16648&languageId=1&contentId=-1; only two of the English language books appear to be available electronically: (1) Tora Holmberg (Ed.) (2009) Investigating human/animal relations in science, culture and work http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:222704; (2) Martha Blomqvist and Ester Ehnsmyr  (Eds.) Never mind the gap!: Gendering Science in Transgressive Encounters http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:329655.  

So much for now, we look very much forward to hearing from you, also with respect to your own plans and undertakings & hope to enliven the google group again!

Dagmar and Martina

Helena Pettersson

2011/09/30 2:26:462011/09/30
To: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com

Dear all,


Just a quick comment regarding the reader: I am going to participate in a reader on gender and research collaborations at Routledge or Sage. One of the editors for the reader is Gabrielle Griffin from York Univ. I’ll meet her in Umeå in October. She has a lot of experience on publishing this type of volumes. I could ask her for advise and recommendations on how to approach the editors at these publishing companies. If anyone else have other suggestions, please feel free to make suggestions!


All the best from Helena

Martina Erlemann

2011/09/30 10:00:062011/09/30
To: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Helena,
that's great.
Best, Martina

On Fr, 30.09.2011, 08:26, Helena Pettersson wrote:
> Dear all,
> Just a quick comment regarding the reader: I am going to participate in a
> reader on gender and research collaborations at Routledge or Sage. One of
> the editors for the reader is Gabrielle Griffin from York Univ. I'll meet
> her in Umeå in October. She has a lot of experience on publishing this
> type of volumes. I could ask her for advise and recommendations on how to
> approach the editors at these publishing companies. If anyone else have
> other suggestions, please feel free to make suggestions!
> All the best from Helena
> Från: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com] För Dagmar
> Lorenz-Meyer
> Skickat: Friday, September 30, 2011 8:22 AM
> Till: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
> Ämne: Uppsala Symposium follow-up
> Dear all,

> It was wonderful meeting many of you in Uppsala - thank you so much for

> your participation in the symposium and all the discussions we had!
> After the symposium the GenPhys group at the Centre for Gender Research in
> Uppsala met to discuss the conference follow-up and further plans for the
> upcoming year. Aside from a further network application that we hope to
> circulate for comments in the near future, we discussed the possibility of
> publishing a Gender & Physics Reader that would bring together both
> 'foundational' texts and newer pieces (including non-English texts we want
> to translate) as an introduction and overview in this field that remains
> under-represented in existing readers and anthologies of feminist science
> studies. Such a reader could include contributions to the symposium, as
> well as some of your earlier writings and we will contact you individually
> to discuss options. We aim to find a larger publisher in the US or UK that
> would be interested in publishing such a Reader. At this point we are
> interested in hearing what you think about such a project and what

> publishers you think could be interested - maybe you have contacts that we

> could build on. We would also like to ask you if you could send us some of
> your course syllabi to help us locate relevant texts that could be
> reprinted in such a volume. Our plan is to contact publishers for general
> interest by the end of the year, and submit a book prospectus in the
> spring of 2012. Any ideas, experiences and suggestions from network
> participants are highly appreciated!
> We also discussed possibilities to co-organise a final conference together
> with the Body/Embodiment Group at Uppsala in November 2012 around

> materialities and dis/embodiments in the physical sciences - this event is

> still in the making and we will keep you updated about further
> developments. Elvira will look into setting up a blog as a further meeting
> space as was suggested at the symposium.
> For books published at the Centre for Gender Research see
> http://www.gender.uu.se/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=16648&languageId=1&contentId=-1;
> only two of the English language books appear to be available
> electronically: (1) Tora Holmberg (Ed.) (2009) Investigating human/animal
> relations in science, culture and work
> http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:222704; (2) Martha
> Blomqvist and Ester Ehnsmyr (Eds.) Never mind the gap!: Gendering Science
> in Transgressive Encounters
> http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:329655.
> So much for now, we look very much forward to hearing from you, also with
> respect to your own plans and undertakings & hope to enliven the google
> group again!
> Dagmar and Martina

Dr. Martina Erlemann
TU Berlin
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Frauen-
und Geschlechterforschung (ZIFG)
Franklinstr. 28-29
D-10587 Berlin
+49-(0)30-314-26995 /-26974 (Sekr.)

Guest Researcher
Uppsala University
Centre for Gender Research
Box 634
S-751 26 Uppsala

Aktuelle Buchpublikation:
Lucht, P./Erlemann, M./Ruiz Ben, E. (Hg.) 2010.
Technologisierung gesellschaftlicher Zukünfte.
Nanotechnologien in wissenschaftlicher, politischer
und öffentlicher Praxis. Centaurus Verlag.

"Helene Götschel"

2011/10/06 8:33:502011/10/06
To: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
Hallo Martina,

diesmal hat es wirklich lange gedauert, bis ich wieder in Deutschland angekommen bin. Manchmal stehe ich noch auf der Straße und bin etwas verwundert oder orientierungslos. Sehr interessant!

Alle vier Kartons sind ausgepackt, und jetzt bin ich an den Briefumschlägen (die ich mir immer selbst mit Ablage oder wichtigen Unterlagen zugeschickt hatte). Dabei kam mein Briefwechsel mit einer Frau Schwarz wieder zum Vorschein. Wir hatten ja mal gerätselt, ob ich dich empfohlen hatte oder ob es übrhaupt das gleiche Buch ist.

Es war eine Anfrgaen von Angela Schwarz für ein Buch "Evolution and the Public". Darin sollte ich dann einen Beitrag zu Biologinnen/Wissenschaftlerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert halten. Da es nicht (mehr) mein Thema ist, habe ich dann freundlich abgelehnt und etliche Namen genannt (darunter auch deinen Namen :-), habe aber besonders auf Gudrun Fischer hingewiesen, die einzige (ehemalige) Biologin und Wiussenschaftsjournalistin die ich kenne, die zu diesem Thema gearbeitet hat.

Mir scheint, dass du von der gleichen Professorin aber zu ienem anderen Buch gefragt wurdest, oder?

Meine aktuellen Projekte: Diese Bewerbung für die FH Hannover und das überarbeiten meines Electricity Artikels.Puh!

Und du so?
Herzlich, Helene

Dr. Helene Götschel
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Studiendekanat Maschinenbau M-1
Arbeitsgruppe Arbeit-Gender-Technik
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
21073 Hamburg

Helene Götschel
Visiting Researcher

Uppsala University
Centre for Gender Research
Box 634

751 26 Uppsala

Web: www.helenegoetschel.de
Email: helene.g...@gmx.de
Tel.: 0049 (0) 40 - 37084614


Après tout, il y a des sacrifices qu'on peut très bien ne pas faire. (Boris Vian - L'Automne a Pekin)


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"Helene Götschel"

2011/10/06 8:54:412011/10/06
To: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,
I deeply appologize for sending a privat email for Martina to everybody.
Please, ignore and delete my earlyer email.
Have a nice day,

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:00:06 +0200
> Von: "Martina Erlemann" <martina....@univie.ac.at>
> An: gender-and-physic...@googlegroups.com
> Betreff: Re: publishing comp SV: Uppsala Symposium follow-up


Dr. Helene Götschel
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Studiendekanat Maschinenbau M-1
Arbeitsgruppe Arbeit-Gender-Technik
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
21073 Hamburg

Helene Götschel
Visiting Researcher

Uppsala University
Centre for Gender Research
Box 634

751 26 Uppsala

Web: www.helenegoetschel.de
Email: helene.g...@gmx.de
Tel.: 0049 (0) 40 - 37084614


Après tout, il y a des sacrifices qu'on peut très bien ne pas faire. (Boris Vian - L'Automne a Pekin)


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