The New Year

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Dec 8, 2009, 4:23:57 PM12/8/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
In looking over Robert's assignment involving all of us taking a
picture - at the same moment - on 01/01/10 (which is really cool, by
the way!) -- I would love to know what each of you hopes to achieve
in the New Year.

Do you have any specific goals for 2010? Do you have any collective
goals (peace, end to war, etc.) you'd like to see accomplished? What
does your country or your part of the world seem to want for 2010? How
realistic do you think these goals (specific or collective) are?

Let's get the discussion started...


Dec 15, 2009, 6:49:32 PM12/15/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
I am a senior in high school this year. Some of my goals are to plan
for my next level of schooling. I got into two schools so far. They
are Florida State University and Florida Atlantic University. My dream
schools are the University of Florida or Boston University. I want to
continue my path within the field of communications. That being said,
my goal is to apply for as many scholarships as possible. I want to
be able attend my dream school and not be in debt.

I have many collective goals. One of my main goals is to unite people
of all different backgrounds. These backgrounds don't confine to
different places in the world, but even different personalities.
People keep throwing out the word uniting and peace. I think Peace
needs to start at home so we know how to spread it world wide.

I think my goals are realistic and will happen.


Jan 19, 2010, 5:39:29 PM1/19/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Like Lori, one of my major goals is to get into a good college. My
heart isn't set on one college in particular yet, but I have managed
to narrow it down to three: UCF, FSU and maybe New World School of the
Arts in Miami.

I'm pretty sure I want to go to college for acting, but I'm still not
entirely sure yet.

Maybe my goal should be to make up my mind by the end of the year. XD

Iva Buncic

Jan 25, 2010, 6:13:06 AM1/25/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
well, i never made decisions for new year, because i think it's not so
good idea..i'm depressed if i don't achieve, i just make
wishes..some of them look like decision, but i prefer to call them
wishes.. :o)
my first and biggest wish is to find good drama school outside
croatia..i want to go in bruxelles or in london..i already find some
schools/academies, i "just" have to find money to go now..that's, of
course, the biggest problem..
my other wishes are regular, i think..happiness, health, love, etc.
for my family, friends and myself..
i know that croatia would like to get into european union, but it's
not possible before 2012, i think..but to finish negotiations, laws,
etc. is one of the goals for 2010..
every year i want peace in the world and understanding between all the
people, but i'm quite realistic and i know it's hard, so i'm just
happy if there is no new war in the new year..unfortunately, people
are cruel and selfish and love to see other people suffer..i hate
for now, i just wish that people from haiti will find their love ones,
safety and home..
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