Exquisite Corpse

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Robert Goodrich

Dec 28, 2009, 11:22:27 AM12/28/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Wikipedia definition: Exquisite corpse is a method by which a
collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each
collaborator adds to a composition in sequence.

Here's how we are going to do it. Each of us writes a single
paragraph of a story. You can contribute more than once, but only
after someone else has contributed. This will be an on-going project
with no deadline. There is no format, you can take the story in any
direction you wish.

I'll start:


Victor stepped outside and was blinded by the early morning sun. He
knew he must hurry if he wanted to catch the bus to the museum. Just
then he noticed he had mistakenly put on two different colored socks.
He had to make a decision; Return to his bedroom and change one of
his socks and risk missing the bus, or get to the bus with time to
spare and hope no one important notices his mistake.


Dec 28, 2009, 9:34:35 PM12/28/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
A car drove past Victor and splashed water on him! Now
Victor was soaked and to top it all off his socks weren't matching!
Should he go home or not? Victor checked his watch to see if he had
He looked to see if the bus was coming; no bus in sight. Victor made
his decision.

On Dec 28, 11:22 am, Robert Goodrich <rgoodr...@floridastage.org>

Brianna H

Dec 30, 2009, 10:42:31 PM12/30/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
He wasn´t going to risk being late again. The last time that he'd kept
her waiting, she hadn't answered his phone calls for a week. The idea
of her stranded in front of the museum, tapping her high heeled shoe
in exasperation, checking her watch and scanning for Victor on the
busy sidewalk...he couldn't let that happen. Determinedly, he walked
to the bus stop, turning up his collar against the cold weather. Maybe
his clothes would dry before she saw him. And if he turned down his
pant cuffs she might not catch the mismatched socks. He checked one
last time that he still had the documents safe in his backpack, then
he flagged down the bus and got on. Now Victor just had to decide what
he would tell her.


Dec 31, 2009, 12:34:15 PM12/31/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Good thing for Victor he was only meeting his mom at the Museum. He
really wanted to prove his independence. Victor was turning 19 next
week! His mom didn't want him to move out of their home so soon after
graduating high school. He had to act like an adult and be at the
museum on time. He was worried because his mom was so observant and
impatient. She wasn't a big fan of Victor living in New York City
after leaving a small town. That pushed aside she left her stubborn
opinions home and missed her son. She was a lovable mom who wanted to
check up on her son. Victor thought of excuses as her rushed to be on
time. He lived in New York, so he knew he could get a way with saying
anything was in style. His favorite was saying this is the latest
trend. This fashion oops was not significant on the news he wanted to
blurt out as soon as he saw her.

Iva Buncic

Dec 31, 2009, 12:49:24 PM12/31/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
she was standing there alone and all in tears. she tried to calm down
and act like nothing happened, but as soon as she saw her son she
crushed. victor was terrified. what could possibly happen?! he hoped
this tears were just a sign how much he missed his mom, but deep
inside he knew something big happened. his mom never cries. victor
heard her cry in her room after the news that his dad died, but she
didn't cry in front of anyone. victor was thinking about his little
sister anne and hoped nothing happened to her. when he hugged his mom,
she started to whisper something in his ear. he couldn't hear what
exactly, but he recognized some words. his eyes fulled with tears.

Iva Buncic

Dec 31, 2009, 12:59:23 PM12/31/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
correction: how his mom missed him.. :o) sorry..

Camila Madariaga

Jan 6, 2010, 12:30:43 PM1/6/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage

She had won the lotery!!!!!!!
And Victor thought, that he could finally do what he had always wanted
to do...
He could travel to that exotic place that, with pasion he had always
heard of...
They walked towards a pretty little coffee shop around the corner, and
as his mom went on an on about the facial surgerys she wanted to
he could not take his mind of this magical, misterious place...
By the way - she said- why are you wearing different socks?


Jan 11, 2010, 2:40:12 PM1/11/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
She repeated the question, but still Victor was lost in daydreams of
what he would now do with money his mother would surely share with
him. In fact, he was so lost in thought that he nearly stepped out in
front of a taxi as it was speeding along the avenue.

"Watch out, Victor!" his mother screamed at him as they made their way
to the coffee shop on the corner.

Opening the door to the shop, Victor could smell the yummy pastries
and the strong Turkish coffee that was particular to this
establishment. But then, there was another smell that reached his nose
- a smell he thought could never send his mind whirling again. At
once he was plummeted back into his past and just as his focus came
back around to the present... there she was. In a booth by the window.
And she wasn't alone.

On Jan 6, 12:30 pm, Camila Madariaga <camila.madari...@gmail.com>

Message has been deleted

Robert Goodrich

Jan 13, 2010, 1:07:54 PM1/13/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
He tried to hide his distraction from his mother, but she was
tuned to the nuances of her son's behavior.

"What is it, son?", she asked.
"Nothing, Mother".
"Do you know that woman in that booth over there you keep staring
at?", she pressed.
"You know me too well", he said, "I can hide the truth to you no

Just then he produced the document he had been keeping in his
knapsack. It was his acceptance in the French Foreign Legion. He
to ship out in two days. He was afraid his mother would scoff at his
ambitions, the same way Beatrice had. Before she left him. And
apparently before she renewed her relationship with Jose, the
pitcher for the New York Mets.

Victor could not believe Beatrice would be so bold as to bring Jose
their favorite pastry shop, so soon after their violent breakup where
she threw his kepi at him.

"You're not even French!" Beatrice had screamed at him.
"You don't have to be". he replied.

He could still hear her words in his mind as he watched her eating so
nonchalantly, proudly watching Jose as he signed autographs for his

He was shaken from his thoughts my his mother's coarse words: "She
was too good for you anyway".

Iva Buncic

Jan 13, 2010, 3:53:38 PM1/13/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
"Oh, now you know who is she, ha?!", he said to his mom offended.
"Of course I know. She looks better than when she was with you".
Victor took his mother's hand and they went out of the pastry shop. He
was so sad and disappointed. Why Jose?! She said she will never even
look and him after he left her because of some groupie girl. Victor
and his mom were walking down the street and enter some bar across the
park. They didn't say a word after the incident. Finally, his mom
said: "So, you are really leaving?"
"Yes, mom, I am. In two days. Can you organize some dinner tomorrow? I
want to say the news personally to dad and Anne.", answered Victor a
little ashamed because of his behavior towards his mom.
"Sure. No problem.", she said with tears in her eyes. Her only son is
leaving somewhere unknown for a long time. She was really worried.
Victor couldn't stop thinking about Beatrice. She was still beautiful
and her laughter stayed in his head. He loved when she was laughing.
He used to invent funny stories just to make her laugh. He realized he
is still in love with her.
"Should I call her and ask her to take a coffee with me? Or should I
pretend cold and maybe she will come to me?", he struggled with his
thoughts even he knew she is with Jose now.
"Well, he can offer her better life than I could. But her dad really
hates him".
Victor was smiling because of that fact and his mood was suddenly
Victor's cell phone rang and broke the silence. It was Beatrice.

On Jan 13, 7:07 pm, Robert Goodrich <rgoodr...@floridastage.org>

Rodrigo Ferreira

Jan 16, 2010, 5:24:16 PM1/16/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
and before he get it, his mom said a destination unknown would be
awesome for me too.
so with all the money won his mom is going to europe with him.
and Victor said: I disagree with you, because you have been your whole
life working and now you deserve to spend a relaxing time.
Victor's mom: yeah I know but I still see you like a kid and don't
want to leave you alone in a foreign country but if you really want to
go think about it twice.

after a couple of minutes, they went out for a walk in times squares
and victor started to see people with differents colored socks and
right away he notice that he is part of a new kind of fashion, by the
way he is not feeling embarrassed anymore.

> > was too good for you anyway".- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -


Jan 17, 2010, 3:09:06 PM1/17/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Victor heard someone calling his name. The voice was familiar. A
feeling of dread came over him. The footsteps started to get louder
and faster. There was nowhere for him to hide. Now, not only was he
embarassed about his fashion mistake, but he was embarassed that he
was with his mother. She noticed his discomfort. Victor thought
being with your mom after the age of 13 was for the social outcasts.
There was no place for him to escape when he felt that tap on his


Jan 19, 2010, 5:31:02 PM1/19/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
"Hey, Vic."

That voice... That nickname... It was her. It had to be.

How he wished that it wasn't...

But it was, of course. Victor glanced over his shoulder to see
Beatrice standing there. She didn't look very happy.

"Oh.. Uh, hey, Beatrice," Victor said awkwardly. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, really," Beatrice replied coolly. "Enjoying breakfast
with the man I love. At least, I was, until Jose let me know that
there was a strange guy in wet clothes and mix-matched socks staring
at me. Funny, his description matches you almost perfectly."

"Yes," Victor's mother grumbled dryly. "Very funny."

Beatrice smiled at the sight of Victor's mother. "Oh, how cute. Out
for a date with Mommy, are we?"

"C'mon... Beatrice..." Victor sighed. "Don't..."

"No, I think it's cute. Really."

"Do you need something, Beatrice?"


"You chased me down from inside the shop. A minute ago you tried to
call me," Victor explained. "Why? What do you want?"

Beatrice's teasing smile faded from her face. She stared into Victor's
eyes and said, slowly and clearly...


Feb 4, 2010, 7:31:28 PM2/4/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
"I've got a little problem...I don't know how to quite fix it. But you
know me so well. I I don't know where to begin. Well you see...no
no. I can't. Especially with your mother here. She is so
judgemental. Not that it is a bad thing...well maybe it is.

Why are you with your mother? Didn't you learn anything from our
break up?...Ugh! How I always end up criticizing you. Now when I need
to talk to you, I bet you are just saying get AWAY from me. Aren't


Feb 9, 2010, 2:28:37 PM2/9/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
"You know what? Never mind. I'm just going to let you go with your
mom," Beatrice said, completly embarrassed by her outburst. "I'll
uh... see you." She hid her face that was turning more red by the
second and walked back towards the diner.

"Mom," Victor said. "Can you just give me a minute? I'll be right

His mother, still shocked by this entire conversation, gave Victor a
blank nod as he chased Beatrice down the busy New York street. After
almost being run over by a speeding taxi cab, Victor was finally able
to stop Beatrice.

"Okay look. My mom is not with me. Whatever you want to say, just say
it quickly." said Victor.

"Well," Beatrice said. "I'm not sure how to really say it. The gist is
the landlord is threatening to evict me out of the apartment because
there is an issue with the lease. Apparently you were named the
tennant in the agreement, and I wasn't listed, I'm not really sure
about the whole entire thing. It's really complicated. But do you
think you can come over one day so we can get this settled out?"

"Um... I guess. Is that really the big problem that you have?" said

"Well there's more to it. Look I have to get back to Jose. Why don't
you come over tomorrow?" said Beatrice.

Victor wasn't sure how we was going to be able to get out of this
awkward circumstance. "I guess. I have a dinner at home tomorrow."

Beatrice, smirking, said, "Of course you do. Can't leave mommy that
long, can you?"

"I'll come over before the dinner I guess," Victor said, trying not to
listen her obnoxious comment.


Feb 11, 2010, 1:38:47 PM2/11/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
He turned, shoulders slumped, and began to walk back to the cafe.

How was it that she always had this effect on him? Why did this one
human being seem to have him wrapped up in a web he could never hope
to escape.

A few feet from the cafe door, his phone buzzed.

A text.

"What now?" Victor muttered, as he dragged the phone out of his pants

Looking at the screen, Victor blinked his eyes in disbelief. Maybe he
was seeing things. Maybe he was hallucinating.

Maybe he needed to clean his glasses.

Removing the dark, squared-off frames from his face, Victor took the
edge of his winter scarf and gently rubbed the plastic lenses.

"Okay," he whispered softly as he repositioned the glasses on his
nose, "Let's take another look at this..."

He did.

The words swirled around in his mind, echoing off of memories - images
burned into his brain.

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