First Project!! (11-03-09)

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Robert Goodrich

Nov 3, 2009, 3:22:47 PM11/3/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
So for our first project I thought it best that we figure out how to
work within this Google Group, and at the same time get to know each
other. And for those of you who are on Facebook, this exercise may be
familiar. It is called 25 Random Things About Me.

Our next and future projects will be more artistic, but for now let's
just get aquainted and introduce ourselves.

It's simple: Off the top of your head just write down 25 Random Things
about yourself that you think might help us get to know you better.
Can be anything at all. And try not to think too much about it.

Here, I'll start:

1. I have a wife, Patricia and two children Sebastian (9) and Sophie
2. I wanted to be a filmmaker after I saw Star Wars.
3. I'm a very poor swimmer.
4. I only have necessary keys on my keychain. I don't like having a
lot of keys in my pocket.
5. I visited the Grand Canyon for the first time last year.
6. I don't like speaking on the phone very much.
7. I want a set of hankerchiefs for Christmas.
8. My favorite holiday is Halloween.
9. I can fall asleep anywhere.
10. I speak only one language. Shame on me.
11. I broke my arm when I was 8 years old.
12. I have a fear of heights.
13. I would love to travel into space.
14. I have been in almost 10 automobile accidents. Some were my
15. I dream of once day visiting Mongolia.
16. My favorite band is Pink Floyd
17. My favorite movie is 2001: A Space Odyssey.
18. I have worn glasses since the 4th grade.
19. My favorite book is The Plague by Albert Camus.
20. I am very particular about what pens I use.
21. I have no skills with a hammer or saw, but I can fix electronic
22. I quit smoking three years ago.
23. I love learning about history.
24. I love learning how things are made.
25. I'm bad at remembering names.

So there you go. Now you!!

Like I said, our other projects will be more artistic. But this
should get us started for now.


Nov 3, 2009, 3:58:09 PM11/3/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
My name is Alvaro and I live in Talca in Chile, SouthAmerica.


1.I enjoy playing the drums
2. I enjoy cooking
3. I don`t like cinemas
4. I can speak two languages
5. I can understand a little bit of portuguese, french and deutch.
6. I enjoy maths
7. I take care about my financials things
8. I have a shar-pei dog as pet.
9. I enjoy playing tennis
10. I'm a not very good reader.
11. I like to read things about music
12. I have playing bands.
13. I don't like highs a lot.
14. I like faith no more, depeche mode and meshuggah
15. I don't like to sing, but people says I'm a good singer...
16. I enjoy going to concerts and alll stuff with live music.
17. I like wearing cowboy boots
18 I really want to have a harley davison some time... but already I
got my car.
19. I'm a great composer... I think.
20. I love to swim.
21. I take care about the global scene, like the weather, and the
climatic change, the new world order.
22. I'm concerned about the people, animal and aboriginies rigths.
23. I hate people who support war, madness, violations, hunting,
tortures, and all that kind of things.
24. I'm pacient.
24. I'm a Christian.

Cheers mates!


Nov 3, 2009, 4:28:56 PM11/3/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
My name is Andrew and I am the Playwright-in-Residence at Florida
Stage in West Palm Beach, Florida. I'll be popping about and
contributing on the projects. This is a great one to start, Robert.
Never did it on Facebook. Resisted for some reason. But I resist no

Here're my 25 things:

1. I'm a playwright
2. I'm a working playwright...for now...
3. Technology, such as, Google Groups confounds, confuses, and
overwhelms me
4. I've traveled to only two continents
5. I want to write for television
6. I have a hard time understanding societal conventions
7. I swam competitively for eight years
8. I want to take six months and hike the entire Appalachian Trail
9. I don't like having to talk to people on the phone, especially when
having to be the one to order the pizza
10. I love watching Baseball, American Football, Tennis
11. I'm not sure when I started to have to stretch before physical
activity because of my body no longer being as young as it used to be
12. I'm 28 years old
13. My parents have been divorced longer than they were together
14. I love the musical group Peter, Paul, and Mary
15. I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people
16. I can procrastinate like a champ, especially before I write
17. I have graduate school debt from student loans
18. I am truly happy and excited about other people's success while
also hiding my jealousy of it
19. I'm Jewish
20. I'm not always sure what it means to be Jewish
21. I love being challenged by other people's perspectives and
opinions that don't jive with my own
22. I don't take compliments well
23. I believe to my core that if you work hard enough - no matter the
odds - you'll be able to make it happen
24. I hate spending money
25. I want to sail around the world at the mercy of the oceans


Nov 3, 2009, 11:06:04 PM11/3/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
My name is Lori and I was born and raised in South Florida. I am a
senior in high school and attend one specialized in the arts.

1) I am passionate about writing.
2) I’ve been working for Radio Disney since I was 10.
3) I have an older brother who is in law school.
4) I have a dog named Tedy who we rescued from the pound.
5) I enjoy photography.
6) I am not a big fan of reading, besides magazines.
7) I love the beach.
8) I swam competitively when I was in elementary school and middle
9) I enjoy watching theater productions.
10) I used to want to drive everywhere and now that I have been
driving a little while, I miss being driven around (especially late at
11) I am looking forward to my graduation from high school (29 weeks
and a day!)
12) I wish I could speak Espanol. Por que mi amigos hablan espanol.
13) I have only seen snow once and would love to again.
14) I am a small town girl at heart but would like to experience city
15) I don’t know the word NO when asked to do things at my school.
16) I send way too many text messages.
17) I normally have my phone close by me.
18) I love shoes and clothes.
19) I wish people were less judgmental of one another.
20) I don’t understand why so many innocent people have to die during
war or why kids are killing kids now.
21) Kidnappings have always frightened me and everyday there is
another sad story on the news.
22) I like to listen to music when I am going to bed.
23) I am anxious to hear what colleges accept me.
24) I am awful at playing sports.
25) I want to return to St. Thomas.

Brianna H

Nov 4, 2009, 8:51:54 AM11/4/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
1. I have wooden shoes--Dad says they're from the Dutch town where my
mom grew up.
2. I like reading.
3. I teach English at la Universidad de Talca, Chile.
4. Acting is one of the things that makes me happiest.
5. I can touch my tongue to my nose.
6. I met my best friend 18 years ago in a doghouse near the preschool
7. It's difficult to rush me when I'm washing my face.
8. I think I've over-thought this list.
9. Musicals remind me of my mom and make me feel safe.
10. I dressed up as Audrey Hepburn for Halloween three years in a row.
11. I like running outside listening to loud pop music.
12. My favorite flavor is pumpkin.
13. Playing board games makes me nervous, but I'm a sucker for
14. My father married his Russian penpal.
15. I am 23.
16. My ideal future includes theater, travel and family.
17. I hate hospitals.
18. I am indecisive.
19. Getting emails from my Dad makes my day.
20. My stepsister intimidates me.
21. I love Felipe.
22. I live with him, his mom, his sister, and Don Benjamin (dog).
23. I was born and raised in Berkeley, California.
24. I want to practice translating plays between Spanish and English.
25. I studied archaeology and worked on Mayan sites in Honduras.

Bijoy Thangaraj

Nov 4, 2009, 10:43:22 AM11/4/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Wow! This is quite interesting.

My name is Bijoy Thangaraj and I live in Bangalore, India. Here are 25
random things about me!

1. I write a lot of software code.
2. You get more than 90,000 results if you google my full name (‘bijoy
3. I am short but my favorite game is basketball.
4. My younger brother is in his second-year at college; my Dad is a
scientist at the Indian Space Research Organization (Yeah! They send
rockets to space) and my Mom is a housewife.
5. I am a better composer than a singer.
6. I did 5 grades in solo piano. I can keep playing piano all the day.
7. I also play the guitar, drums and a bit of harmonica.
8. I wish to own a helicopter.
9. I like animated movies a lot.
10. I can speak 4 Indian languages apart from English.
11. I turned 24 three weeks back (Oct 18).
12. I can stand any kind of music except metal.
13. I don’t smoke or drink.
14. I love travelling with a camera.
15. I like Josh Groban’s voice.
16. I don’t like Cricket game which many Indians love.
17. I am a Christian and I play the guitar and sing in my local
18. My favorite food is chicken biryani.
19. I hardly read novels.
20. I am working on an inspirational album.
21. I love video games but I don’t have enough patience to finish one
22. I don’t like television serials but watch movies.
23. I have a strong affinity towards gadgets and technology.
24. I wanted to be a pilot when I was a child but later started loving
computers more.
25. I was born in Tamil Nadu, brought up in Kerala and am currently
working in Karnataka. I have also lived in Maharashtra and Gujarat
(These are different states in India).

Best Regards,
Bijoy Thangaraj


Nov 4, 2009, 11:32:26 AM11/4/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hi, I'm Heidi Harris - the Director of Education, here at Florida
Stage. I'm so excited that this program has gotten underway! We're
looking forward to getting to know all of you and sharing our passion
for the arts. :) for those 25 random things about me...

1. I like using a yellow highlighter for scripts
2. I love the smell after the lawn has been mowed
3. I used to sing with a rock band in college (and I'm on a couple of
cds singing backup/harmony)
4. Once, I almost drowned trying to retrieve a cheap beach ball
5. Even though I live only a short distance from it, I rarely visit
the Atlantic Ocean
6. My best friend in middle school was Tina, and she played the flute
7. I love books (especially old ones)
8. Telling jokes terrifies me
9. My first car had a Michelob tap as its gear shift knob
10. I would rather be on stage in front of 20,000 people than have to
answer phones in an office
11. My memory is nearly photographic (which is sometimes annoying!)
12. I do not enjoy heavy metal or acid rock music
13. My first grade teacher told me I would always be stupid in math
14. I like calendars of either landscapes or gardens
15. Most of my shoes are black
16. I really want to get a PhD
17. Dusk is my favorite time of day
18. I'm really good at Twister
19. I almost always use canvas bags when I go shopping
20. When my office-mates eat Wasabi peas, it makes me laugh
21. COFFEE is awesome!
22. I have an MFA in Classical Acting
23. Riding the Tower of Terror scares and thrills me at the same time!
24. Writing 25 random things about oneself is difficult...
25. I use ellipses (...) and smiley-faces in my emails/texts :)
> > should get us started for now.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Nov 4, 2009, 4:54:06 PM11/4/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

Hi! my name is Claudia and I live in Chile.!

1.- All the people that I know says me Kloda
2.- I hate my second name
3.- I love music
4.- Is easy make me cry and I hate that
5.- Many people says that I'm a good singer.. but I don't think that
6.- I'm not good taking care of my money
7.- This is my favorite number ( 7º)
8.- My friends say that I'm funny
9.- I love the cold days, and I'm not a big fan of sunny days
10.- My favorite band is My Chemical Romance.. and "thank" to them I
learned to speak in english
11.- I'm shy
12.- I love watch football games..
13.- I wash my hands more than 23 times in a day
14.- I've a very bad memory, and is easy for me learn things, making a
song with them (like hanna montana)
15.- I read all the days, but Í can finish a book that I started like
2 month ago
16.- I'm not good playing guitar, and I always say that my fingers are
too small
17.- I'm 17 years old
18.- My favorite fruit is the apple
19.- I'm very bad in math
20.- I love vampires, before Twilight, but I started to hate them with
all this thing of Edward and blablabla
21.- I never get sick
22.- I love the south of my country, is the most beautiful thing that
I never see before.
23.- one of my dreams is live in London
24.- I want to be an psychologist
25.- I think that I'm not an interesting person..



Nov 5, 2009, 11:42:07 AM11/5/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

> Hi! my name is Kathleen and i live in Jupiter, Florida!
> 1.-I am vice-president of the thespian club in my school.
> 2.-I love french fries
> 3.-I want to travel the world some day.
> 4.-I would love to go to Santorini, Greece one day.
> 5.- I love listening to music.
> 6.- I listen to all kinds of music except heavy metal.
> 7.- I look too young for my age.
> 8.- I come off shy at first.
> 9.- Get to know me and Im pretty outgoing.
> 10.- I dont know what my "favorite" anythings are.
> 11.- I want to go on a hot air balloon someday.
> 12.- I don't go to a regular school.
> 13.- I like to put hot sauce on most of my food.
> 14.- I prefer cupcakes over cakes.
> 15.- I love to paint.
> 16.- I turn 18 in one month!!
> 17.- I like to make wishes at 11:11
> 18.- Cauliflower is disgusting.
> 19.- I like broccoli with cheese
> 20.- I have a love/hate relationships with scary movies.
> 21.- I miss my long hair.
> 22.- I like to look up my dreams to see what they mean.
> 23.- I hate roller coasters but I still ride them.
> 24.- I've always wanted to be a dentist even though Im very qweezy.
> 25.- Im boring.

Subapriya N

Nov 5, 2009, 11:49:58 AM11/5/09
Hi Everyone,
Here goes the 25 ramdon things from me, Subapriya.
1. I hail from Chennai, a metropolitan city of India
2. I graduated from BITS, Pilani, one of the prestigious institutes of India with M.Sc and B.E degrees.
3. I love Biology
4. I have been very studious during my years at school and college
5. I like to do research in specialized areas of Biology
6. My family consisting of my parents, my father's siblings and their children, is my asset
7. I got married to Shankar on 23rd August 2009
8 Shankar, my hubby is good at singing, mimicking personalities and is an ardent lover of English movies
9. I dreamt of spending my life with test tubes and lab coat. I am spending it with computers and softwares instead in a software company.
10. I love to write poems and short stories
11. I can speak 3 languages including English
12. I write poems in  english and tamil( my mother tongue, a regional language of TamilNadu, a state in India)
13. I have been part of some research projects in finding DNA damage among women using Bio mass for cooking.
14. I have a small circle of friends and I keep in regular touch with them
15. I have a brother and he is good at dancing and playing drums.
16. My father is a teacher and love teaching too
17. I have been part of community service camps organized through my organization wherein we go to small villages and distribute medicines to the poor after a brief medical checkup by a group of doctors.
18. I like nature and the colours of nature a lot.Observing varied colours take me to different levels of imagination
19. I like to play shuttle cock with my hubby
20. I am recently learning to cook and I am loving it
21. I read books and my favourite authors are Robin Cook, Paulo coelho and Roin sharma.
22. I like to play in water and beaches. I went on a holiday to Goa( an Indian state) and had so much fun in the private beaches with my hubby
23. I dream to compose book of my literary compositions
24. I yearn for a doctorate degree in the field of Chemical and Biomolecular engineering inn my life and am hoping to accomplish it at some phase of my life.
25. I believe in the supreme power of God.

okie:) coming up with 25 random things wasn't as difficult as I thought before I started with point 1.
Best Regards,

Nov 6, 2009, 5:33:33 PM11/6/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hello there, My name is Marggy and I live in West Palm Beach, Florida.

well, here are 25 things about me :)

1. I read my horoscope every day and get really excited when it
actually matches with my daily experiences.
2. I hold top ten percentile in my class rank, but have no idea how.
3. I enjoy dancing to any type of music.
4. I love to meet new people and make them laugh.
5. I laugh way too much.
6. I have a two year old brother and I love him, his name is David
7. Im used to taking 15 hour naps, they feel very nice.
8. I don't do my own laundry because when I try, the clothes always
come out soapy.
9. I enjoy acting in any way shape or form.
10. I really don't like to read.
11. I consider myself a "home body" I tend to stay home on the
12. I was born in Colombia and came to the United States when I was
13. I lived in New York for six years
14. I am fluent in Spanish.
15. I want to be a dentist in the future and open my own practice some
16. I drink at least one bottle of Sunny D each day.
17. My favorite food is rice, ham or eggs and I love to drink coca
18. I tend to bottle up my emotions for a long time.
19. I procastinate a lot, but still manage to get everything done last
20. I love to go to Colombia over the summer or just take a long
family vacation.
21. I kinda quit wearing eyeliner.
22. I have a job and I enjoy working there.
23. I don't feel hunger or fulness, I have five meals a day.
24. I have a very fast metabolism,
25. I miss taking math, yes, I do enjoy mathematics.

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Nov 7, 2009, 1:21:10 PM11/7/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey, everyone! My name is Miranda. I live in West Palm Beach,

Here are 25 Miranda Fun-Facts!

1.My nickname is Randa.
2. I am the treasurer of my school's Thespian club even though I'm
terrible with numbers.
3. I love to read and write. But I fail at math. :D
4. I live with my grandmother. I call her my Whooshie.
5. I am a twin. My sister's name is Danielle.
6. I give a lot of my friends and teachers nicknames. (I.E. Dani-
Ian-Buddy.) You might get one by the end of this project. XD
7. I was voted Most Optimistic at my school.
8. I love to make people smile. Laughing is my favorite. :)
9. I go to G-Star School of the Arts. It was there that I discovered
that I love the theatre.
10. I'm really strict with grammar.
11. I like to draw. I'm not very good, but I do it anyways.
12. Pasta is my favorite food. I could live off of the stuff.
13. Cherry blossoms are my favorite flowers. I have cherry blossom-
scented soaps, lotions, even hand-sanitizers.
14. I have three dogs: Sparky, who was born with a twisted leg, Kipper
and Fitch. I also have a cat named Shnookums who comes and goes as he
15. I lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania until I was seven. Then I
moved here to Florida.
16. I don't pay much attention to sports, but I still call myself a
fan of the Steelers and Penguins. The Pirates aren't so great, though,
so my baseball team is the Red Sox. :D
17. I love rock music. Metallica is one of my favorite bands.
18. I actually have a car of my own... in Pennsylvania. Not that I
could drive it, anyways. I'm seventeen years old and I still don't
have my learner's permit. :(
19. I feel uncomfortable around postal workers.
20. I need a job. I really, really need a job.
21. I really want to jump out of an airplane... with a parachute, of
course. (;
22. I'm a total scaredy-cat. I'm afraid of the dark and hate watching
scary movies (but I watch them anyways). The SAW movies still scare
the spit out of me. I went to see Paranormal Activity last night, and
it freaked me out! XD
23. I cannot stand the Twilight books. They're not even books,
really... Yeah, don't get me started.
24. I seem very outgoing most of the time, but I am actually quite
25. I get sick fairly easily... As I type this, I have a cold! :'/


Nov 8, 2009, 9:56:22 AM11/8/09
Hello Everyone,
Interesting! This is a nice idea for a starting project… I’m Aurovind Ravindrapandian, popularly known as AURO.
Here are 25 tidbits about me –
1) I’m an Indian born & brought up in the pristine locales of peaceful Pondicherry.
2) I’m my Mom’s favorite Kid, my Sister’s best Friend and my Dad’s pride.
3) Chemical Engineering graduate currently developing Control Systems products in Bangalore India.
4) Four years of under-graduation in BITS Pilani transformed me completely.
5) Most memorable moment – Winning the Top Technical Award in BITS Pilani.
6) Won the award for the Best Outstanding Student in Chemical Engineering for the batch in 2005.
7) Friends are my only treasure in life and I’m fortunate to have found few treasures till date.
8) I’m always keen to understand different cultures, get to know different people, eat different cuisines…
9) My ambition in life is to become an Entrepreneur in India.
10) I’m passionate about photography.
11) Enjoy traveling to beautiful locales and explore the unknown.
12) Love taking lots of photographs and write travelogues capturing all the moments to eternity.
13) My favorite destination in this world – Switzerland
14) Reading books is a favorite past-time.
15) Have been an editor for a couple of magazines during college and corporate life.
16) Listen/hymn a variety of music at all times.
17) Favorite artists Kishore Kumar (Hindi) & SPB (Tamil).
18) Public Speaking is one talent that I have been constantly improving since school days.
19) My favorite orators – Mahatma Gandhi & Barack Obama.
20) Organizing various events is one of my favorite activities back in school, college and even now in corporate life.
21) If I’m committed to something, then there is no turning back until it is complete.
22) My belief - Where there is a will, there is a way!
23) Someone who truly believes in the power of LOVE!
24) I’m quite an introvert…
25) In one word – I’m Trustworthy!
Best Regards,

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Robert Goodrich <> wrote:

Iva Buncic

Nov 10, 2009, 7:36:54 PM11/10/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
hi, people!
my name is iva..i live in zagreb, croatia.. :o)
so, 25 things about me

1) i loooove theater
2) i'm alergic to cats, although i have one :o)
3) i'm learning french
4) i love chocolate
5) i like nonverbal theater, especially masks (commedia dell'arte)
6) i hope i will move to belgium next year to study theater
7) people tell me i have cool voice (it's deep, like when you're
8) i'm working as an actress and drama pedagogue
9) i'm dancing jazz dance, contemporary dance and classical ballet
10) i love one great french man :o)
11) my boyfriend and i organized international project with young
artists from croatia, france and belgium and it was great..we played
in theaters in those three countries and people really liked it..
12) i've always wanted to play flute, but never had a chance
13) i celebrated my 13th birthday on friday 13th
14) my dad has a rock band and my mom is dancing irish traditional
15) i have a younger sister i adore
16) i don't eat meat, because i don't like it..i have leather
shoes.. :o)
17) my favorite music is world music (tinariwen, värttinä, foltin...)
18) i don't smoke
19) i love tim burton movies and johnny depp
20) my idol is frida kahlo, because of the strength and will for
21) i love fairies and i'm reading a lot of books about folklore based
on fairies..i also want to tattoo a little elf..
22) i finished journalism, but i never wanted to work as an
23) i like to wear black color
24) i like to drink tea
25) this was my first time to to this 25 things and i'm happy i
actually made it.. :o)

all the best,
> <>wrote:

Jonathan Neira

Nov 11, 2009, 9:48:02 AM11/11/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hiii, I really don´t know if here is where I have to write, but I´m
going to do that..hahaah
Okay 25 things about me...

1) I´m a talca university flute student.
2) I like eat, but i´m not fat (I think)
3) I like go to the church
4) In my house we are 4 peoples
5) My girlfriend her name is Laura, her nickname is Lupita
6) I rent a house in talca whit 3 friends
7) I like try to speak english
8) I have a radio show, his name is Rallando La Papa, the people that
speak spanish can listen that radio show in you have
to click on online signal, every saturday at 8 pm...
9) I teach flute in my hometown, i have around 6 students.
10) I like go to the mountains, and see the wonderfull sky..
11) My bests friends names are, Cristobal, Ivan, Sinesio, Cristian,
12) I like computers, and find things on internet
13) I like so much the games that you have to think, like math games
14) I play flute in the talca university orchestra
15) I played flute in unites states last june, in la mirada, close to
L.A. California
16) I like bussines.. hahah i don´t want to have to work all my
17) I´m so good to meet people... to talk... i can talk talk talk and
18) I like the electronic dance music..
19) I like play tennis
20) My idolo is Jesus, for my he is fantastic
21) I love teach and try to help my students in their lifes
22) I like cooking, for my is like paint, you have to know mix the
colours.. but in cooking the ingredients
23) My favorite composer is Beethoven
24) My favorites colours are yellow and blue
25) I like the events and projects.. haha like organizer

Okay... Bye Bye and write that really took me a long time..hahaha I
think that i have to meet me more...hahahhah

krishna hegde

Nov 11, 2009, 10:07:47 AM11/11/09
Hello everybody ....
 I am "Krishna Hegde" from Bangalore, India. I software guys want to be filmmaker
and here it goes ...25 things about me..
1. I am from coastal part of Karnataka (A state in India)

2. I wanted to be a filmmaker.And I am now. (Still in experimental stage.Waiting for the big day.)

3. I’ love swimming

4. I stay in Bangalore (Silicon Valley of India)

5. I have never been to outside India.

6. I like Akira Kurosawa (greatest director of word cinema from Japan)

7. I am firm believer of GOD

8. I speak and write 3 language Kannada (mother tongue,  State Language of Karnataka, (a state in India))

9. I like traveling

10.I am philosophical and spiritual too.

11. I like Michael Jackson. , Paulo Coelho  and  Google guys,

12. I don't smoke ...No drinks and No non -veg

13. I love old classics films from it English, Japanese, Hindi or Kannada ( some great films are made in this language in 1970)

14. My favorite movies.. Schindler’s list, Roshomon (Japanese 1950), and so many...

15. I like all kind of music. . But mainly fusion style

16. I love history...thanks to wekipedia.

17. I lived in Bangalore for over 10 years.

18. My latest short film” Road trip to Remember"

19. I love politics.

20. I love films...all kind all language. All genres.. All ages. Mainly 1950s 1960 and 1970.

21. I like Indian fictional stories.

22. I don't know how to cook.

23. I love herbal tea.

24. I am software guy.

25. I wanted to be a singer. But I am not..



Red Portales

Nov 12, 2009, 3:37:08 PM11/12/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
I'm Red Portales from the Philippines and i am part of the Philippine
Educational Theater Association's youth arm. (PETA youth arm)

1. i am turning 20 this november
2. i was in love with theater since high school. it's my passion!
3. i will get my bachelor's degree this coming march
4. i love singing
5. i am not a good dancer but gives my best in dancing
6. i can speak 2 languages
7. my laptop's name is ana
8. i am currently part of our voters' education campaign through the
9. i am on my "on-the-job-training" this semester
10. i am an artist-teacher
11. i don't cook well
12. i am an actor
13. i love Rent!!! and other musical theater! :-)
14. i am currently single
15. i like joining organizations
16. i like reading posters
17. i am called Norbs in PETA
18. i love a good chat
19. i am missing Germany
20. i enjoy my time alone
21. i love taro ube
22. i love eating bread after eating my dinner
23. i am close with my cousins
24 i don't like pets
25. i believe that i can pursue my dreams: optimist

Camila Madariaga

Nov 16, 2009, 10:44:03 AM11/16/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

Hi, my name is Camila and I am from Talca, Chile.
1.- I have had red, black and brown hair. Right I have my natural
color on.
2.- Right now I`m wearing two pants because I thought today was going
to be a lot warmer and i left home with very thin pants.
3.- I study Architecture in the University of Talca.
4.- I was an exchange student in Berlin, Germany in years 2006-2007
5.- I love animals but I disagree with PETA.
6.- I dance Jazz technique.
7.- I have a very funny boyfriend.
8.- I am just a little bit feminist.
9- I think monkeys are dangerous.
10.-Although I have studied english my whole life, I `ve never been in
a english speaking country. :( saaaad.
11.- My bike is pink. I use it every day to go to the university.
12.- I looooooooove sushi.
13.- I always, always cry with sad movies.
14.- I live with my Family and I have 2 dogs. They`re Boxer.
15.- I can´t not wear cream on my face. Drives me crazy.
16.- I like to shower with music.
17.- My favourite season is summer
18.- I want to have a cat but i have allergies.
19.- My family doesn´t understand the things I do for the university.
They say they are weird.
20.- My mum is a doctor and My father is a teacher.
21.- My computer is a macbook pro.
22.- I am very healthy.
23.- I don´t smoke
24.- I love to dance salsa, but in Chile we don´t. ( I know you all
thought we did!)
25.- I am very hungry right now.

Rodrigo Ferreira

Nov 16, 2009, 9:57:53 PM11/16/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey everyone my name is Rodrigo Ferreira, here are my 25 things about

p.s sorry I'm late

1.I don’t like religions but I am a faithful believer.

2.I study at the University of Talca like some people here too.

3.I am in the penultimate year of speech and hearing therapy career.

4.I have been into punk rock and hardcore music since I was eleven
years old and I am still into it.

5.My life rotates around music and would suck without it.

6.I work out every single day even when it's raining

7.My favorite sport is skateboarding but I don’t have enough time for
practicing it

8.I love jogging.

9.I have been vegetarian since several years ago because I am
convinced that animals are not in this world for our survival.

10.I am almost 25 and I don’t want to grow up anymore.

11.I am a straight edge warrior and my only weapon is my mind.

12.My only war is against drugs !

13.I've got two dogs and one cat and if I could I would have a lot.

14.I have lived in almost the whole country.

15.I always have thought that when you love something, it is the
easiest to learn or teach it, and it happens to me with English.

16. When I was little I used to ride horses and I was an excellent

17.I have two piercings.

18.I like tattoos but I don’t have one… yet.

19.Also, I like hip hop music lots, from east to the west coast.

20.My favorite place for spending my time is near the beach. Cali is
the reason.

21.I think that I am an easy going and peaceful guy.

22. I cannot stand politicians at all.

23.I love to be chilling or hanging out with friends

24.I went to the USA on a school trip.

25.Just I wanna live my own life… by the way, money sucks.

Peace out!


Dec 15, 2009, 10:18:47 PM12/15/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hi everyone. I'm Cassie and I live in Lake Worth, Fl.

1. I was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
2. I am seventeen years old.
3. I have an older sister, Jessica, and a twin brother, David.
4. I have three dogs and a bird.
5. I have seen each episode of "Friends" at least four times.
6. I've been a vegetarian for almost two years.
7. I still don't have a driver's license.
8. I recently got over my huge fear of acting.
9. I am somewhat of a pop culture nerd.
10. My favorite movie is "Princess Bride."
11. I can be very shy.
12. I hate science classes, even though both of my parents were
13. I am so scared for college next year.
14. I don't like using my proper name: Cassandra.
15. Though I love animals and I'm a huge animal rights activist,
insects and spiders still creep me out.
16. I have had a crush on Johnny Depp for about four years.
17. I love helping people.
18. One day, I would love to visit Israel.
19. I'm Jewish.
20. I love Harry Potter and hate Twilight.
21. I'm very proud of my twin brother, who's valedictorian of our
22. I went to a sleep away summer camp for 8 summers in a row and they
were some of the best moments of my life.
23. I've had the same wallpaper in my bedroom for ten years and I hate
it (they're clouds).
24. I love to read and write.
25. The last time I saw snow was when I was one year old.
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