Second Project!! (11-16-09)

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Robert Goodrich

Nov 16, 2009, 3:22:07 PM11/16/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Thank you all for doing such a great job with the 25 Random Things
About Me project. I think you will all agree it was a fun way to
begin getting to know each other. I think this next project will be a
lot of fun as well.

This one is called "Compass". The tools you will need are a digital
camera and a compass (or a good sense of direction). Here is what we
would like you to do:

1. Think about your "Favorite Place". Preferably some place close.
Doesn't matter what it is.
It could be your bedroom, your church, a place you like to

2. Stand in the middle of this place.

3. With your digital camera take a photo facing North, South, East
and West.

4. Post the 4 photos in the "File" section of the Gen Z Google
Group. Label the files with
your name and the direction of the photo. For instance, "Robert
Goodrich, West".

5. Reply to THIS message with a brief description of the location of
your photos, and tell us why
this place means so much to you.

Now that we know a little bit about you, this will give us the
opportunity to learn a little bit more about where you live.

Now get out there and take some pictures! We should try to get this
project done by the end of this month.


Nov 23, 2009, 11:25:21 AM11/23/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
North: My closet :) the closet doors broke so my sister and I decided
to use white curtains instead.
East: My bed :) I love it. All the purses and scarves on the doors are
only for show I guess. I don't use any of those.
South: I like to sit on top of that thing. I dont always but
sometimes. I love reading magazines in my room at night with some good
West: In between my bed and my sister's. She's currently in college so
it's MY room :)

On Nov 16, 3:22 pm, Robert Goodrich <>

Jonathan Neira

Nov 26, 2009, 10:55:20 AM11/26/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hiiii!!! Every time i don't know if the activities that i do are the
ones that i have to do.... hahah.. Sorry if you don't understand.. Let
me know if so..

Okay.. the place that i chose, is my church in my hometown (San
Carlos), i chose that place because there i can feel relax, i can talk
whit God.. and give to him a part of my time... And there on the
weekend, I whit friends do a lot of social activities whit people in
social risk... The idea of that acivities is give to the people the
love that Jesus give us... For that reason i wait the weekend whit
many anxietes.... (The activities are: Soccer School, Radio Show,
Dance, People can sing....)

Now I´m going to tell you the description of my pictures...

North Facing, Just a wall and wnidows from one side of the church...
South Facing, Hahaha other side to the church..
East Facing, Here is the main entrance of the church..
West Facing, is the place where the pastor preach and the musicians
play there instruments.. (I play my flute there)

The people in the pictures were painting somes seats.. I didn´t want
to disturb them for that reason there are in the pictures... hahaha

Okay any question or if i didn´t do the correctly thigns let me know
please... Bye Bye... Blessings.....

Brianna H

Nov 27, 2009, 12:44:59 PM11/27/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hi everyone,

This is Bri—I'm from the US and for almost two years I have lived in
Chile. My photos are of the patio behind our house in Talca, Chile. I
took the photos last Saturday, when we were celebrating my boyfriend
Felipe's 24th birthday. You can see him working on the asado (Chilean
bbq) in the photo facing west. And don't miss Don Benjamin (family
dog) in the photo to the north; he's stretched out inbetween the
glasses of Chilean red wine. Also, check out the lemon tree. When I
was little, living in California, there was a lemon tree that I loved
to climb. When I turned 7 and we moved, I cried because we couldn't
take the tree with us. When I arrived to Talca last year, there was a
new lemon tree waiting for me. It reminds me of my chilhood and my

This place is important to me because it is where I feel most safe,
most loved, most accepted and most myself.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Best,


Nov 29, 2009, 11:35:27 AM11/29/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

My favorite place is the beach at sunrise. I am not a morning person
per se, but I love waking up when I can to drive to the beach. It is
a little less than 30 minutes from my house. I took photos in every
direction. It is so nice to go really early because it is so calm and
not many people are there. It is definitely worth waking up for! The
photos are beautiful to look at and make me feel like I'm there even
when I'm not. I love the east view and the north view reminds me of
mountains. That is super funny because we don't have any in Florida.
Message has been deleted


Nov 30, 2009, 5:19:05 PM11/30/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
As you probably guessed from my aptly-named photographs, one of my
favorite places to be is my room. I'm not a loner or anything, but my
room is a place I go to relax, do homework, hang out with friends
I have them over, and... well, I sleep in there every night. That
right there is a reason to love the place all in itself. :)

Now, I totally forgot to label my pictures, but "Randa Room 4" is
South. I love my nice soft bed. :) I don't know if you can see, but I
have several posters hanging from the walls of a few concerts I've
been to, as well as one of Slash from Guns N' Roses and Velvet
Revolver. I love him. :) The kitty's name is Shnookums, by the way.
followed me home from school one day and he's been with me ever

"Randa Room 3" is North. I used to love playing video games, now not
so much, but I still use my television/Playstation to watch movies. I
love to read, so the blue thing behind me is actually a bookshelf.
The blanket just didn't have anywhere else to go. Oh, and I love
stuffed animals, so that's why I have so many... XD

"Randa Room 2" is East. That's my window. You can see what it looks
like outside of my house. I live next to a pretty busy street, but my
sister managed to take a picture when there weren't any cars driving
by. I live ridiculously close to my school, G-Star. I mean walking
distance close.

"Randa Room 1" is West. I'm standing in front of my closet, next to
another bookshelf with more books and more stuffed animals. :D Oh,
I like to put stickers and magazine clippings on the door and the
beside it, as well as programs from the theatre performances I've
or participated in. The medal hanging next to the door is one that I
actually won in an acting competition last year! :D

So that's it... yeah. :)


Robert Goodrich

Dec 1, 2009, 12:26:09 PM12/1/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Okay, this is my home office and guest bedroom. And I know, it's a
mess, and it needs a new paint job. This is also the room we store
things we don't want out in the rest of the house. So I have an
excuse for how messy it is.

Out the window to the North is a nice view of our tree in the front
yard, and you can hear squirrels chasing each other at night.

The guest bed is on the West side of the room, and that is where
family and friends stay when they come into town.

The small table on the East wall used to have a fish tank on it,
until I killed all the fish. I have very bad luck with fish. So
bad, in fact, that I got rid of the fish tank so I didn't cause any
more harm. Now that table is just another place for my wife and I to
stack paperwork.

Along the South wall is my computer desk. This is where I spend a lot
of time, and why this is my favorite place. I edit my movies here, I
surf the web, and I watch TV and movies. I have a big leather chair,
and I put my feet up on the desk. Heaven.

Some times when my wife is snoring I will get up and sleep in this

Bijoy Thangaraj

Dec 2, 2009, 9:19:32 PM12/2/09
to gen-z-global-stage

These pictures were taken at 7:30 AM from my apartment's terrace. I used to spend a lot of time here especially at nights sky gazing and listening to radio.

On the North and West, you just see houses, houses and houses to the horizon.

South and East, you see a couple of apartments by name Meenakshi Mangalam and Meenakshi Residency mainly.

I wasn't able to spot the sun as the day was cloudy at Bangalore when I took these pictures. You can also find lot of buildings under construction in these pictures.

Thanks and Regards,
Bijoy Thangaraj

Robert Goodrich

Dec 3, 2009, 11:50:39 AM12/3/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Did you use a tilt-shift lens on those shots?

On Dec 2, 9:19 pm, Bijoy Thangaraj <> wrote:
> These pictures were taken at 7:30 AM from my apartment's terrace. I used to
> spend a lot of time here especially at nights sky gazing and listening to
> radio.
> On the North and West, you just see houses, houses and houses to the
> horizon.
> South and East, you see a couple of apartments by name Meenakshi Mangalam
> and Meenakshi Residency mainly.
> I wasn't able to spot the sun as the day was cloudy at Bangalore when I took
> these pictures. You can also find lot of buildings under construction in
> these pictures.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Bijoy Thangaraj
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Robert Goodrich <
> > wrote:
> > Okay, this is my home office and guest bedroom.  And I know, it's a
> > mess, and it needs a new paint job.  This is also the room we store
> > things we don't want out in the rest of the house.  So I have an
> > excuse for how messy it is.
> > Out the window to the North is a nice view of our tree in the front
> > yard, and you can hear squirrels chasing each other at night.
> > The guest bed is on the West side of the room, and that is where
> > family and friends stay when they come into town.
> > The small table on the East wall used to have a fish tank on it,
> > until  I killed all the fish.  I have very bad luck with fish.  So
> > bad, in fact, that I got rid of the fish tank so I didn't cause any
> > more harm.  Now that table is just another place for my wife and I to
> > stack paperwork.
> > Along the South wall is my computer desk.  This is where I spend a lot
> > of time, and why this is my favorite place.  I edit my movies here, I
> > surf the web, and I watch TV and movies.  I have a big leather chair,
> > and I put my feet up on the desk.  Heaven.
> > Some times when my wife is snoring I will get up and sleep in this
> > room.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Bijoy Thangaraj

Dec 3, 2009, 12:02:18 PM12/3/09
to gen-z-global-stage
I just edited it artificially to give it a little depth of field (digital postprocessing)... :)

Thanks and Regards,
Bijoy Thangaraj


Dec 5, 2009, 8:35:52 PM12/5/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

Okay so here we go ;D

North: my dog Pola watching me :D
South: the dining room.. and the MJ hat and glove
East: the other side of my living room
West: my bro speaking with Felipe Andrés =P with MJ hat and glove :D

So that is all.-


Dec 9, 2009, 1:39:22 PM12/9/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey guys!

Well, let me tell you a little bit about the place I chose.
This is my schools prop and costume room.
I am in charge of keeping it organized and settled, as you can see, it
is rather messy due to shows and rule breakers.
I really like this room because it is cozy and my friends and I
usually spend time together there.
I spend a whole lot of time in that room.
You can find almost ANYTHING in that room and everything is funky.
My friends and I usually go in there and use the mirrors or make cute
outfits for spirit week.


Dec 9, 2009, 3:19:26 PM12/9/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Kloda, your dog is absolutely adorable! :D


Dec 10, 2009, 7:07:29 PM12/10/09
My favorite place is my room. I decorated it entirely by myself and
absolutely love vintage. If any of you are familiar with the store
Anthropologie or Shabby Chic by Rachel Ashwell, I aspire my entire house
to be decorated by them! (and other cheap flea market finds like the
ones in my room!)

In the north picture I have a globe I bought for 1$ at world thrift and
it represents my love for travel and culture. I love books. I recently
started that collection and if could have one room for anything alone,
it'd be books. that yellow chair on the right, my mom picked up for me
for 5$ at goodwill!

East picture is of my bureau and jewelry. I have a sick obsession with
owls, so try to count how many I have in my room ;) I adore Audrey
Hepburn and her films. She is an icon.

South is my desk (which I never do anything on) and inspiration board. I
frequently change it up to whatever's inspiring me at the moment;
fashion, models, music, cards, awards, bible verses and fortune cookie

And West is my bed! I love the contrast of teal, gold, and lace
curtains. The T A letters are my initials! (obv.) The yellow chest on
the left I picked up for 20$ at goodwill and the bed skirt and 2 frilly
pillow cases I got at world thrift for 7$ (: (I dry cleaned it of

Interior design means a lot to me. My room and the dinner table are the
only places I ever spend time in when I'm in my house and it's important
for me to feel comfy and relaxed. I also love candles in my room as

Happy holidays everyone!

Tracy c:

Iva Buncic

Dec 14, 2009, 7:26:01 AM12/14/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
hi, people..
i apologize to not upload the photos camera didn't work..
so, one of my favorite place is my room..i'm sharing it with my sister's quite small and completely fool of things..i like to say
that i have a creative mess in my room, but i always know where is
east: windows are one whole wall..i don't know if you can see, but
it's snowing..hehe..the first snow in zagreb this winter.. :o) my bed
is next to the windows..
north: my sister's and my closet and parts of our's very
small, i know.. :o(
west: part of paula's bed and some little closets..yes, paula likes
pigs and ac/dc..hehe..
south: well this is a real creative mess..our desks, but we are using
mine more often because of the computer..the shelves are full as you
can see - books, papers, jewelery and all kinds of unnecessary
things..hehe..i cannot wait to move and have my own room.. :o)
that's other favorite place is one room in my theater, but
there is nothing interesting to see there..just big black room and
black walls.. :o)
have a nice day!


Jan 1, 2010, 2:09:56 PM1/1/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Sorry that mine were so late guys! I joined Gen-Z a little late :)

My favorite place would have to be my backyard. I've lived in this
house for about thirteen years, so there are so many memories from the
backyard: birthday parties, playing with my siblings, etc. I'm not an
"outdoors-person", but I find the comfortable shady areas of the
backyard very relaxing.

My North picture shows the lake that's behind my house. It is a huge
lake that goes all around my neighborhood, where various residents go
fishing and boating. I can't go swimming in it though because there
have been alligators seen in there.

My East Picture shows some of the trees that my mom has planted over
the years. She has a master's degree in plant genetics and has always
had a love for nature. All of the plants in my backyard were planted
by her.

My West Picture shows a typical Florida orange tree. :)

My South Picture is on the patio by my pool. I love swimming in the
pool and tanning near it in the summer!

And that's it :)



Jan 6, 2010, 12:27:18 PM1/6/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Okay.... I finally decided upon one of my favorite places - and it's
the new amphitheatre in Jupiter, Florida.
(hope this link works)

I began performing Shakespeare on this spot nearly 20 years ago. Back
then, it was nothing more than lots of grass, ant hills, and flying
fish (in the pond, behind the current stage). Some of my very fondest
stage memories occured there...and it was really amazing to finally be
on a REAL STAGE this past summer!

The amphitheatre is located just yards away from the Atlantic Ocean,
so the breezes are quite lovely - especially at night. And the Florida
sunsets really provide a fabulous backdrop for everything from Hamlet
to Midsummer.

The hours I've spent, on this very spot, have really shaped me as an
artist...and as a person, I think. I've learned how to co-exist with
Mother Nature (and know that she ALWAYS wins) and have, hopefully,
provided many people with an enjoyable evening of Shakespeare under
the stars.

So - that's (one of) favorite spot(s)!! :)

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