My Favorite Time of Day

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Dec 8, 2009, 4:13:37 PM12/8/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
This past weekend, I came home from a day of adjudicating a drama
competition (a fun, but L-O-N-G day), only to find that the
electricity to my building was out. I was tired, hungry, and stuck in
the dark.

Thankfully, the weather was nice enough for me to open my windows and
the door to my back porch...and when I did this, I realized that it
was my favorite time of day. Dusk (or sunset).

I had forgotten what a magical time of day this is, for me. The
sharpness of the world softens as the colors melt and blur away with
the fading light. Cool.

I spent a good 20 minutes just watching the world around me change as
the sun set...and found myself more at peace and actually thankful for
being without electricity!

So...I was wondering if anyone else has a favorite time of day - or a
similar story to share.

Looking forward to your posts!

Robert Goodrich

Dec 9, 2009, 10:03:05 AM12/9/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Early evening. After sundown, and after most people have returned
home from work and are unwinding from their day. There is a quiet
that I find very soothing. It is still a little light out, and this
is the time people in my neighborhood choose to go on walks.


Dec 9, 2009, 4:01:40 PM12/9/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage

When it's nice and quiet in my house and I have some alone time... and
I sleep. :D

Iva Buncic

Dec 14, 2009, 8:04:26 AM12/14/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
i like night..when everybody went to sleep..i'm alone in salon/
kitchen..i also like when i'm alone during the working days..i'm
dancing and singing around the flat, inviting my friends for a cup of
coffee or tea..i'm totally not a morning type..i'm always cranky and
not in the good mood, so it's better to not have people around me at
that time..hehe..i like to sleep, but in the morning.. :o) i always
work on night..


Dec 15, 2009, 6:10:42 PM12/15/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
I love seeing the sunrise on the beach. I am not a big fan of waking
up early (even though for school I wake up at 5:30). Over the summer
my friends and I stayed up all night, then watched the sunrise. That
was wonderful. I am constantly busy between work and school, so I
find seeing a new day begin so relaxing.
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