Meeting People!

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Feb 4, 2010, 7:36:54 PM2/4/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
I am so excited that through Gen-Z Global we get to talk with each
other and make the world smaller. I was lucky to meet Brianna, even
though she lives in a different country. When she was visiting the
USA we had a chance to talk. If you could meet anyone in the world
who would it be? Would you want them to be from the country you live

If I could meet anybody today it would have to be George Clooney. No,
I don't care that he is a famous actor. I am impressived with his
quick turn around time to do the Haiti Benefit.


Feb 4, 2010, 7:52:43 PM2/4/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Ooh, you're so lucky, Lori! I hope I'll get to meet someone soon,
too! :D

To be totally honest, I can't think of anyone in the world that I'd
like to meet... It's such a tough question! :O

Brianna H

Feb 6, 2010, 11:32:22 AM2/6/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey Lori!

I am so glad that we had a chance to meet! Afterwards I was thinking
of all the questions that I wish I had gotten to ask you during our
brief meeting, like: what drew you to Gen Z? What excites you about
the project? What are you passionate about/inspires you? What is your
favorite tv show, favorite food, all the silly things too that I would
love to ask all of you!

I love your question, about who you would like to meet. And Miranda is
right, it is so hard to answer! I have always wanted a chance to meet
and spend more time with family members from my past. It would be
incredible to learn about the lives of my ancestors (hmmm, now I am
wondering if this is an egotistical answer...!) OR I have always had
an Audrey Hepburn obsession (an obsession which I inherited from my
Dutch Grandfather, I think, Audrey Hepburn is from Holland and my Opa
had tapes of the Dutch commercials at the beginning of her career).
Plus had some amazing volunteer projects, in which she participated
even while undergoing treatment for cancer. That sounds pretty

I would love to meet all of you.



Feb 9, 2010, 11:36:21 AM2/9/10
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey Bri!

I had no idea who I wanted to meet at first either. I really love
meeting new people and learning about them. Gen Z seemed like a
wonderful program I wanted to join right away! I had a lot of friends
do another program called "Children of Conflict" where they talked to
other people around the world. I really think it is important for
people to learn from others and from all different backgrounds.
Everything about Gen Z excites me! I love photography and film
making. Art is a creation that is so global. Everyone can look at a
painting or photo and feel something.

This may sound a little corny but my favorite TV show currently is
called the Bachelor. I think the reason why is because I believe in
fairy tales and dreams come true. What can I say...I work for
Disney. My favorite food is almost anything that does not have
dairy. I am HIGHLY allergic to ALL dairy products. So finding a good
dessert is risky!

I have all the same questions you asked me back for you....

Talk with you soon!

Having a wonderful day!

PS My friend Ricky is telling me to say hello. I am currently in
school as I am writing this note. He thinks the interaction between
everyone in this program is so neat.

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