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Nov 23, 2009, 2:50:50 PM11/23/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Hey, everyone!

In the US, we're about to celebrate Thanksgiving - which is supposed
to be a day where we stop and give thanks for all that we have
(family, friends, things, etc.) Are there any similar holidays
celebrated in your country (or, if you're in the G-Star group, how do
you celebrate Thanksgiving)?

Can you share any holiday traditions you have? In my family, we have a
large meal at around 2pm on Thanksgiving - and then we spend the rest
of the day watching old movies (or sometimes American football!) My
favorite part of the day is when it gets to be around 8pm...and I have
another piece of pie!


Nov 23, 2009, 3:57:44 PM11/23/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
Well, my family eats Thanksgiving dinner around four o'clock, though
we all get together around two. We're supposed to save room for the
meal, but I usually pig out on the vegetable platters my great
grandmother (I call her my "Nanny") brings as appetizers. She always
puts black olives in there, just for me. I can't get enough of those
things. :)
Personally, I enjoy cooking, so I help out my Whooshie as much as I
can when it comes to preparing the food. I make a mean stuffing. ;D
I don't like pie, though. I'm the only one in my entire family that
doesn't. I'm not a big fan of mashed potatoes, either, and that is
another food that the rest of my family loves. Oh, and I don't care
for turkey much, either. I like ham and apple sauce much more. :3
Right before we eat dinner, we all go around the table and name one
thing that we're grateful for. Then we pig out. and I mean PIG OUT. :D
Once we're done eating, we hang out for another two hours or so, then
we disperse. Since we usually have Thanksgiving at my house, Dani,
Whooshie and I get to keep the leftovers.

This year, my aunt, uncles and cousin are coming down from West
Virginia. So Thanksgiving should be really great this year. :D

Happy Thanksgiving!

Iva Buncic

Nov 26, 2009, 9:38:13 AM11/26/09
to Gen-Z Global Stage
in croatia we don't celebrate thanksgiving, but as a catholic country
we celebrate christmas and family is not religious, but we
do some traditional things for those holidays, like painting eggs for
eastern..there is one funny thing my grandma told me it was popular in
her youth..start from the day of st.lucia (december 13) since write 12 names of boys (or girls) you know and quite
like on 12 little papers and put under your pillow..every morning you
put one paper in the garbage without looking what's writing on the
paper..the name on the last paper you open on christmas is "the love
of your life"'s funny to at least try..i did this once
and was disappointed so i stopped..hehehe..
also, in past people put under the table cloth some coins and a little
bit of wheat to have a rich and fruitful year..
that's all i can remember..
happy thanksgiving to everybody who celebrate!
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