Allelic primitives and overlapping genes

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Jul 24, 2018, 2:46:27 PM7/24/18
to gemini-variation
Hello GEMINI gurus,
I have a couple of questions that I think are at the core of variant annotation and I'd just like to hear about your recommendations/opinions. I am using a somewhat unconventional gemini load approach (VCFAnno --> VCF2DB), with details of the pipeline shown below or available at (

1) Beyond VT decompose and normalize, should variants be converted into allelic primitives? This is an issue that is important for annotation, and since VT has already normalized and decomposed multi-allelic variants, I'm wondering there is also the need to split out the multi nucleotide variants ( 

2) How are overlapping genes handled within the GEMINI queries? A variant can be coding and overlap two distinct genes. I guess I'm wondering for those instances, since multiple genes/transcripts are stored within the variant_impacts table, how does it choose which gene to present (or does it present both) for each variant? Would these be broken into multiple different rows within an output table? I'm happy to clarify this question with a drawing if it makes it more clear.

My pipeline below:

# Step 1: Generate gVCFs

/opt/tools/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java -jar /opt/tools/GATK-3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \

 -T HaplotypeCaller -nct 4 --emitRefConfidence GVCF \


 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling 10 \

 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting 10 \

 --min_mapping_quality_score 0 \

 --min_base_quality_score 10 \

 --minReadsPerAlignmentStart 5 \

 --minPruning 2 \

 --pcr_indel_model NONE \

 --dbsnp /opt/tools/GATK-3.5-0-g36282e4/resources/dbsnp_138.b37.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf \


/opt/tools/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java -jar /opt/tools/GATK-3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \

 -T HaplotypeCaller -nct 4 --emitRefConfidence GVCF \


 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling 10 \

 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting 10 \

 --min_mapping_quality_score 0 \

 --min_base_quality_score 10 \

 --minReadsPerAlignmentStart 5 \

 --minPruning 2 \

 --pcr_indel_model NONE \

 --dbsnp /opt/tools/GATK-3.5-0-g36282e4/resources/dbsnp_138.b37.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf \


/opt/tools/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java -jar /opt/tools/GATK-3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \

 -T HaplotypeCaller -nct 4 --emitRefConfidence GVCF \


 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling 10 \

 --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting 10 \

 --min_mapping_quality_score 0 \

 --min_base_quality_score 10 \

 --minReadsPerAlignmentStart 5 \

 --minPruning 2 \

 --pcr_indel_model NONE \

 --dbsnp /opt/tools/GATK-3.5-0-g36282e4/resources/dbsnp_138.b37.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf \


# Step 2: Merge gVCFs

/opt/tools/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java$TMPDIR -jar /opt/tools/GATK-3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -nt $NSLOTS \


--variant $WORKING_DIR${SAMPLE1_BAM}.HC.g.vcf \

--variant $WORKING_DIR${SAMPLE2_BAM}.HC.g.vcf \

--variant $WORKING_DIR${SAMPLE3_BAM}.HC.g.vcf \

-o $WORKING_DIR${FAMILY_ID}.merged.hc.vcf 

#BGZIP that bad boy

#/opt/tools/tabix/bgzip $WORKING_DIR${FAMILY_ID}.merged.hc.vcf 

#/opt/tools/tabix/tabix $WORKING_DIR${FAMILY_ID}.merged.hc.vcf.gz 

# Step 3: Normalize merged VCF

# Define some variables





zless $VCF \

| sed 's/ID=AD,Number=./ID=AD,Number=R/' \

| /opt/tools/vt/vt decompose -s - \

| /opt/tools/vt/vt normalize -r $GENOME_FASTA - \

| java -Xmx10g -jar $SNPEFFJAR GRCh37.75 \

| /opt/tools/tabix/bgzip -c > $NORMVCF 

/opt/tools/tabix/tabix -p vcf $NORMVCF

# Step 4: Filter Merged, normalized VCF


/opt/tools/bcftools-1.8/bin/bcftools filter \

--include 'FORMAT/AD[0:1]>=10 && FORMAT/DP[0] < 300' \

-m + \

-s + \

-O z \



/opt/tools/tabix/tabix $NORMFILTERVCF \

# Step 5: VCFAnno - Turn your VCF file into an annotated VCF file


/opt/tools/vcfanno/vcfanno -lua /mnt/causes-data01/data/RICHMOND/AnnotateVariants/VCFAnno/custom.lua \

-p $NSLOTS \

/mnt/causes-data01/data/RICHMOND/AnnotateVariants/VCFAnno/VCFANNO_Config_PlusGNOMAD_PlusInHouse_SplitByPop.toml \


# Step 6: VCF2DB - Turn your annotated VCF file into a GEMINI DB

python /opt/tools/vcf2db/ \

--expand gt_quals --expand gt_depths --expand gt_alt_depths --expand gt_ref_depths --expand gt_types \

 --a-ok InHouseDB_AC  --a-ok in_segdup --a-ok AF --a-ok AC --a-ok AN --a-ok MLEAC --a-ok MLEAF --a-ok gnomad_genome_num_hom_alt --a-ok gnomad_hom_afr --a-ok gnomad_hom_amr --a-ok gnomad_hom_asj --a-ok gnomad_hom_eas --a-ok gnomad_hom_fin --a-ok gnomad_hom_nfe --a-ok gnomad_hom_oth --a-ok num_exac_Het --a-ok num_exac_Hom --a-ok cpg_island --a-ok common_pathogenic --a-ok cse-hiseq --a-ok DS --a-ok ConfidentRegion \


Then I run inheritance script, looks like this:

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