#gegchi October Slow Chat 05 - Friday Question!

瀏覽次數:13 次

Andrew Fekete

2020年10月9日 上午8:53:562020/10/9
收件者:GEG Chicagoland
Happy Friday!  As we close out the first week of our slow chat, we thank you for your participation.  Here is the question for Friday: 

How or what tools have you used for students to create during remote/hybrid learning?  Please share some projects that have worked for you as well as any tools that you are using with your students during this time.  

Steve Wick

2020年10月9日 下午2:31:072020/10/9
收件者:GEG Chicagoland
Creating has always been and important part of my learning experience and I do my best to have students create as part of our learning experiences whenever and wherever we can. Here are three of my favorites so far this year. 

Water Pollution Memes (Google Drawings)

Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Learning,

Mia Gutsell

2020年10月10日 上午10:30:492020/10/10
收件者:GEG Chicagoland
Google Slides and Flipgrid have been great tools for the teachers in my district for students to create. 
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