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Google Classroom Survey

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Arlin Roth

Apr 4, 2023, 7:59:38 AM4/4/23
to GEG Pennsylvania
Google is seeking feedback regarding several new features including grading periods and principal access to classes (without being added as a co-teacher). 

One question asks "If you had a magic wand, that would allow you to change or add one thing to Google Classroom, what would that be and why?"

Participation is optional and your responses will go directly to Google. See below for more information and the link to the survey.
Bitmoji Image


Arlin Roth

Instructional Technology Specialist

Bellefonte Area School District

This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete as it touches on several specific aspects of the Google Classroom experience. 

This survey is open to all members of our global community, and you may access it here

We appreciate your time!

Rachel on behalf of Google Classroom

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