Release v2.24.0

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Sergey Zhdanovskih

Feb 28, 2023, 9:56:11 AM2/28/23
to gedkeeper-en
Released version v2.24.0

- "Data Quality" plugin has been merged with the "Check сonnection of families" tool.
- Added option to search and filter by all names.
- Program language cultures linked to system cultures for improved string sorting.
- Added handling hyperlinks in fact values.
- Removed experimental prototype of the terminal (console) implementation of the program.
- Removed sample plugin.
- Added support (recognition) of multimedia formats doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x), odt, ods, odp, djvu, zip, rar, 7z.
- The .NET Framework has been updated to version 4.6.2.
- Fixed many bugs.
- Added settings files for each of the supported language cultures.
- Added the ability to build a tree from a selected family record.
- The control of the maximum number of persons in the tree has been changed, taking into account the number of generations specified in the options.

Download: (Windows)
and (Debian/Ubuntu), (Manjaro).
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