Released version v2.28.0 & v3.4.0
- Updated Hungarian, German and Icelandic localizations.
- Added display of person bookmarks in tree diagrams.
- Added localization into Dutch [Leo Krap].
- Added separate options for selecting the numbering of ascending and descending pedigrees.
- Added indistinct matching feature to record filtering.
- Added filter to manage places dialog.
- Added place substitution from the input field of the event editing dialog to the adding/selecting record dialog.
- Added sorting of languages by frequency of use in the dialog for editing personal names.
- Added options for using surnames and dates of birth of children in the parent selection dialog filter (or parents in the children selection filter).
- Added a check to add the person himself as a parent.
- Added report "Record card".
- Added the feature to copy the text of an record from the info panel.
- Fixed selection of background image file for tree diagram.
- Fixed file viewing in media edit dialog.
- Added conversion from _FSFTID (FamilSearch Family Tree ID) to RFN (from RootsMagic files).
Download: (Windows)
and (Debian/Ubuntu), (Manjaro).