Release v2.25.0

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Sergey Zhdanovskih

Mar 27, 2023, 10:45:11 PM3/27/23
to gedkeeper-en
Released version v2.25.0

- Fixed bug with missing spaces in notes.
- Updated Czech translation [Jerry Verner].
- Added display of days remaining until birth anniversaries, multiples of 10 and 25 years.
- Added display of marker tooltips with place names and dates in maps.
- Removed restriction on date ranges without known years.
- Added optional multipage printing of charts.
- Added the option to send the result of calculating the year of events from the Calculator plugin to the event editing dialog.
- Added feature to write to CSV from Lua scripts.
- Added sorting of event types by frequency of use in the event editing dialog.
- Added remembering filters in the record selection dialog (filter applying is now on the Enter button).
- Added remembering the last selected person in tree diagrams, and restoring when no other person is selected.
- Added protection for the output of "extended woman surnames": if displaying only maiden or married surnames is selected,
  but there are none, then the surname that is available is displayed (especially for children).
- Improved calculation of ages by chronological difference of years.
- Fixed display of person names in lists and tree (always the first in the list if the filtering language is not selected in the Navigator).
- Added recognition in files of non-standard designations of months in Russian, Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
- Added output of links to external resources by RFN tag.
- Fixed marriage surname and nickname reset when changing secondary structures of a person.
- Added remembering folders for saving scripts, images and reports.
- Added option to shorten date ranges in years only mode in tree charts.
- Removed plugins GKFoldersPlugin, GKImageViewerPlugin, GKTreeVizPlugin.
- The .NET Framework has been updated to version 4.7.2.

Linux release skipped.

Download: (Windows).
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