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Roadmap available?

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Sep 9, 2019, 6:40:59 PM9/9/19
to gedkeeper-en
I checked out but found it a little out of date. Does a roadmap exist for public view?

Sergey Zhdanovskih

Sep 10, 2019, 2:20:37 AM9/10/19
to gedkeeper-en
No, currently there is no high-quality roadmap.

This is hindered by a number of factors. For example, a program needs to get a new high-quality design and glyphs for it. But there is no designer among developers who can develop iconset. It is necessary to create a new system of dialogs, windows and techniques for working with the program. It is necessary to introduce the long-developed v3, which allows the program to have a native design on Linux and MacOS platforms. But this version, by virtue of the foundation on the most modern .NET, will cut off all conservative users or those who cannot constantly have the newest computer. It is desirable for the program to get at least a tablet version, but this direction does not develop at all due to the lack of a specialist in this. And there are many other directions.
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