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Laura Knight-Jadczyk

May 15, 2019, 2:29:18 AM5/15/19
to gedkeeper-en
How to use to program to create a website?  Can it generate HTML pages?

Sergey Zhdanovskih

May 15, 2019, 3:02:10 AM5/15/19
to gedkeeper-en
Not. This feature may be added in future versions, but now it is not.
Two months ago I considered the issue of such development, using the available another project, but so far no decision has been made.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

May 15, 2019, 9:25:56 AM5/15/19
to gedkeeper-en
I would sure love it if it was implemented.

I have a program called GED2html that I used years ago but it no longer works with modern systems.  I got it here:

But I think the guy who made it, Eugene Stark, may have died.  I wrote to see if he had an updated version and no reply.

It was pretty basic, just generated all the hyperlinked pages, nothing fancy.  You could put in a background if you wanted, and could individually edit pages if you wanted to add records or photos.  I was able to do it and I'm a vintage person who is not the most computer smart person on the planet, to understate the matter.

Now, I am sick of fake genealogy that is full of errors, so I'm making my own website here:

and the cherry on the cake would be a fully functional online family tree.  I dream of it!


Kevin Sandal

May 17, 2019, 5:45:38 PM5/17/19
to gedkeeper-en
Can you attach a file that illustrates what  you would expect the output to look like? This sounds like an opportunity for a plugin.

Sergey Zhdanovskih

May 17, 2019, 7:04:14 PM5/17/19
to gedkeeper-en
On March 30, I started the development of a future plug-in based on the GEDmill project (by Alexander Curtis, GPL license). At the moment, the site is already being generated, in some form - because to the fact that at the time of publication GEDmill was already a very mature project. But there is still a lot of work. I tentatively planned to complete the main stages of clearing, restructuring, and integrating with the GEDKeeper program in August or September. The key problem will be that in that project the localization issue is not totally developed, in any way. It will take a lot of time. But if all this is done, the basis for the site generation plugin will already be.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

May 18, 2019, 6:20:50 AM5/18/19
to gedkeeper-en
Okay, I kept a copy of the whole website on one of my drives (thank goodness).  I pulled out three samples from the HUNDREDS of files the program would generate in folders and such.  When it was done generating, you just uploaded the whole thing as it was generated.  It would generate an index page that would take you to list of names, and list of surnames.  Each page generated had any number of entries, probably constrained by size somehow.  Each had an anchor that was linked to the list of names, or surnames, or "range of names".   I never saw any logic in why different names would be on a given page when they usually were unrelated to each other.

So attached here is the 1) Surname list page, 2) the range of names page, and 3) one of the actual pages which is pretty much a selection of family groups that are all hyperlinked to other pages. 

What I like about GEDKeeper is that it generates a somewhat nicer view of a given individual's family group.  It also appears to retain the records attached to a name.  But you will see that GEDKeeper's basic layout of a family group page is very similar: simple and easy to follow.



May 24, 2019, 8:47:15 PM5/24/19
to gedkeeper-en
Such functionality is being considered. At this time, there are no promises.

Thank you for the information.
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