Release v2.21.0

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Sergey Zhdanovskih

Aug 28, 2022, 6:43:24 PM8/28/22
to gedkeeper-en
Released version v2.21.0

- Changed the display of several families of parents in the information panel.
- Added diagnostics for several families of parents in personal records.
- Added option to turn off extra tree chart controls.
- Added copy/paste operations in the list of associations.
- Improved merging of group and repository records, added copy/paste citations to repositories.
- Added functions of repair broken/partial links.
- Added new diagnostic for broken/partial links between persons and families.
- Added output of notes of events/facts in pedigrees.
- Added copy/paste operations in the lists of events (persons and families) and citations to sources.
- Added selection of person portrait areas for any number of arbitrary image files.
- Fixed bug with displaying portrait areas in collective photos.
- Improved relationship calculator.
- Switching previously used filters has been added to the Navigator plugin.
- Updated Czech translation [Jerry Verner].
- Added option to display localized signatures for calendars in dates.
- Added extended file backup plugin.
- Added an option to select the сertainty assessment algorithm.
- Improved and included in the distribution plugin Navigator.
- Added the feature to switch languages for display names in the Navigator plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the database splitting tool.

Download: (Windows)
and (Debian/Ubuntu), (Fedora), (Manjaro).
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