It works for me --- here's how. First, the DescendantsGenerations.gplug script doesn't have an "AdditionalEvents" property. Are you looking at the same one discussed here? It does have "extraEvents" so maybe you meant that term. You can add extra events as follows:
1. Open DescendantsGenerations.gplug extension in GEDitCOM Editor (can do by selecting "Descendants by Generations" extension in GEDitCOM II with option key help down).
2. To edit AppleScript for Pages export, expand "Properties" section, click on "other files", and then double click on "Generations_To_Pages5.applescript" Key. The AppleScript file should open in Apple's ScriptEditor.
3. Scroll down a little to find the lines
property extraEvents : {}
-- Example: include burial events with address
-- property extraEvents : {"BURI", "was buried", true}
4. Comment out the first line and uncomment the last to get
--property extraEvents : {}
-- Example: include burial events with address
property extraEvents : {"BURI", "was buried", true}
5. Save the script and try again in GEDitCOM II. You should see burial events (when found) with address in the Pages report.
6. For each additional event you want, add three more items to extra events such as
property extraEvents : {"BURI", "was buried", true,"BAPM","was baptized",false}
The first of each block of three is GEDCOM tag for the event, the second is verb to describe it (e.g. "He was baptized on..."), and the third is true or false to include or omit an address for the event (if it has an address). All three are required for each extra event.
The script to output a report to a GEDitCOM II window instead of to Pages is now a separate script and the old AppleScript one for that task has been replaced by an internal script that is faster and more reliable. To add extra events to that script:
1. In the opened extension, expand the "Scripts" section and click on "DescendantGenerations.gcscpt" to edit it on the right
2. Click in script edit window and use Find command to find "extraEvents"
3. The comments there explain how to add extra events. To repeat the two extra events mentioned above, insert these lines
CreateList oneEvent,"BURI","was buried","true"
extraEvents.addObject oneEvent
CreateList oneEvent,"BAPM","was baptized","false"
extraEvents.addObject oneEvent
Each extra events adds a 3 element list (all elements required) to the master extraEvents list.
John Nairn