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'Spreadsheet to GEitCOM II' extension

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Jeff Porter

Feb 3, 2024, 6:08:00 AM2/3/24
to GEDitCOM II Discussions
      First, I have only been using a trial version for 3 days so am probably making mistakes (and my first impressions are very favourable ie I am looking to purchase a full license).

My key requirement is to add DNA kit numbers to my GEDcom so that I can a) create a DNA matrix in Charting Companion; b) create correct and verifiable proof statements.

I am trying to master the the importing of CSV spreadsheets (which has been hit-and-miss due to my sparse knowledge of GEDcom 5.5). 

My file import into GEitCOM with two SEX values (see attachments).

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards - Jeff


Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.06.06.png

Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.01.25.png

Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.02.06.png).

Jeff Porter

Feb 6, 2024, 6:31:42 PM2/6/24
to GEDitCOM II Discussions
Is there nobody on this discussion site that can help me????

Simon Robbins

Feb 7, 2024, 12:52:35 PM2/7/24
to GEDitCOM II Discussions
Well firstly from the GEDCOM you posted you seem to have an individual person called "Susan's Tree". Is that really a person? Looks more like a file name. 
Secondly there is an unspecified event at a place which doesn't appear to make sense. Or at least not human readable format.
And thirdly, if that is an individual record how can they be both male and female at the same time?

Jeff Porter

Feb 7, 2024, 1:16:39 PM2/7/24
Hi Simon,
                Thank you for your response to my query. 

Susan tree is an individual. Therefore it uploaded from the spreadsheet to GEDitCOM correctly. 

However, my first issue is, that despite the SEX tag being present in the spreadsheet and set to F for female, the resulting upload added a new SEX value of M for male. The Upload also moved the original SEX tag to the end of the record and moved the value of F to a lower row.

Any thoughts?

Kind regards - Jeff

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Simon Robbins

Feb 7, 2024, 1:52:56 PM2/7/24
to GEDitCOM II Discussions
Sorry, I can't really be much help as I have never tried importing a csv having used GEDitCOM for over 20 years all my data was input into GEDitCOM directly not imported.

Whilst I can see that someone may be called "Susan Tree" the input file says "Susan's" the apostrophe s making it not look like a name, Why doesn't it say "Susan Tree" in the input file?. Also does that individual have an event dated 28 Nov 2023? What type of event was it and where did it take place? Neither the input file nor the resulting GEDCOM makes it clear.

Lastly, as I mentioned I have never looked at importing a csv file, but I would have expected column A to be the individual not an event. Does that individual have other events as well? or do any other individuals have multiple events? Have they imported correctly or has each event been assigned to a new individual? Where did you get the format for the input? Maybe someone else who has successfully imported data from a csv could add further.

Sorry I can't help ay more but It's a bit outside my user experience.


Richard Blake

Feb 7, 2024, 2:45:39 PM2/7/24

I’ve never looked at importing a spreadsheet into GEDitCOM II but I’m intrigued by this so I thought I’d take a look.

I presume you are using the 'Import Spread Sheet to GEDitCOM II’ extension which is available on the GEDitCOM website.

I created a spreadsheet which looks like yours, created a tab delimited file and imported it into GEDitCOM and got the same issue as you. So my guess is that it may be something in the extension not working as expected.

It’s AppleScript which is not my strength but I’ll try to take a look. The extension was written over 15 year’s ago judging by the comments so I’m not sure that even John would remember how it works :-)


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Richard Blake

Feb 7, 2024, 3:26:04 PM2/7/24
OK, I think I may have found the issue. The end of lines in the spreadsheet aren’t being dealt with correctly.

In the script, I changed line 12 from

property lineDelims : {ASCII character 10, (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 13)}


property lineDelims : {ASCII character 10, (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 13), (ASCII character 13)}

It now creates the GEDCOM correctly.

Regards, Richard

Jim Eggert

Feb 7, 2024, 4:38:29 PM2/7/24
Well, that Import Spread Sheet to GEDitCOM II Extension seems a bit buggy, but you should be able to get it to work. If all you have is a spreadsheet of individuals along the lines that you posted, you can make it work if you modify your spreadsheet as follows:

1. Insert a new column at the beginning (left). Call it something, but don’t populate the fields. I called it ID.
2. Add a new column at the end (right). Again, call it something, but don’t populate the fields. I called it JUNK.
3. Save as CSV.

Then the import should do what you expect. The extra, empty columns (empty except for the header) don’t have any effect on the created GEDCOM.

At least this worked for me.


> On Feb 3, 2024, at 6:07 AM, Jeff Porter <> wrote:
> Hi,
> First, I have only been using a trial version for 3 days so am probably making mistakes (and my first impressions are very favourable ie I am looking to purchase a full license).
> My key requirement is to add DNA kit numbers to my GEDcom so that I can a) create a DNA matrix in Charting Companion; b) create correct and verifiable proof statements.
> I am trying to master the the importing of CSV spreadsheets (which has been hit-and-miss due to my sparse knowledge of GEDcom 5.5).
> My file import into GEitCOM with two SEX values (see attachments).
> What am I doing wrong?
> Kind regards - Jeff
> Input
> <Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.06.06.png>
> Output<Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.01.25.png>
> <Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.02.06.png>).
> --
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> <Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.01.25.png><Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.06.06.png><Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 11.02.06.png>

John Nairn

Feb 7, 2024, 6:32:03 PM2/7/24
The Import Spread Sheet is more of a template to import from a spread sheet than a read-to-use extension. That is the reason it is not in standard GEDitCOM II download but only as a downloadable script. In general you have to edit both the script and the extension to make them work together to get what you want in the GEDCOM file. The only time I have used it is when some one gave me a large spreadsheet file had their data in no other format. That posted extension is a template of what I used to solve that task. Because all spreadsheets will differ, however, many changes will be needed. You can edit the extension and import and if not ideal, fix either the spreadsheet of the extension.

John Nairn
> To view this discussion on the web visit

Jeff Porter

Feb 8, 2024, 5:55:49 AM2/8/24
Hi John,
Thanks for the clarification.

I am quickly finding ways to adapt and import various spreadsheets using this great extension. It is saving me so much time!

I have never ’scripted’ before so am at level 0 which explains my dum questions.

Kind regards - Jeff
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Jeff Porter

Feb 8, 2024, 8:15:13 AM2/8/24
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your helpful suggestions.

I have muddled my way forward and stumbled on point (2). I will definitely try point (1).

This import extension is a god-send for me.

Kind regards - Jeff
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Jeff Porter

Feb 8, 2024, 8:23:42 AM2/8/24
Hi Richard,
                  You are a star! Thank you.

I have no experience (yet) in using scripts. I assume you used the editor to modify the extension script. I am feeling brave so will attempt the changes you suggested.

Kind regards - Jeff

John Nairn

Feb 8, 2024, 10:07:17 AM2/8/24
I will take a look at the import script when I get home from travels (next week). Maybe it could benefit from some updates, but I don’t recommend putting data in spreadsheets to use it, but rather to have it as an option when given data in spreadsheets (that is why I first wrote it).

John Nairn

Jeff Porter

Feb 8, 2024, 11:44:17 AM2/8/24
Hi John,
               Once again thank so much for your support. My use case is the latter ie downloaded DNA match information.

I am now successfully importing my DNA Matches kit numbers and source information and exporting them as a gedcom. I manage 11 kits so the spreadsheet import extension is a massive time saver for me.

Just love the tool.

Kind regards - Jeff 

John Nairn, Developer

Feb 16, 2024, 3:56:35 PM2/16/24
to GEDitCOM II Discussions
I am back from travels and had a look at the "Import Spread Sheet to GEDitCOM II" extension (which is available for download on, but not provided in standard install). Although the AppleScript in that extension is mostly fine, some things have changed in MacOS, AppleScript support, XCode, and/or Excel export style that causes it to have problems. I think I fixed them all and posted a new version of that extension today (see Downloads->Extensions section on It should work in any version of GEDitCOM II (no need to wait for imminent version 3.1). I also update the help including a sample spread sheet that can be import by the revised extension.

If you are interested, I had lots of issues getting this to work:

1. I was trying to read files with all line endings and the Windows style of "return and linefeed" caused problems. I had a bug in the script that was looking for "linefeed and return" but even fixing that did not help. I found positing on the web that AppleScript has a bug in reading such files. I had to switch to reading the entire file text and then using other methods to split that text at various line endings. It seems to work not with any file type now.

2. Excel used to export files with carriage returns only. It now exports with "return and linefeed" and the first issue fixed read ingsuch files.

3. My biggest change was that XCode seems to have a bug. When I develop GEDitCOM II, I launch from XCode. The biggest advantage is that it provides  a good "console" where you can post messages for debugging. When I ran this script from an XCode launch, the script failed when creating a new document. I thought Apple had damaged the entire AppleScript support and I would need lots of reprogramming. For some reason, I tried to launch GEDitCOM II outside of XCode and then the script worked. It made debugging a challenge. I had to compile and then run outside XCode for testing and lost the XCode console for debugging. Since all users will run outside of XCode, it should work fine. This issue is another reason I am moving away from AppleScript to the new internal scripting methods. Apple can't ruin internal scripting methods.

John Nairn
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