How to define SQLITE dbName?

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May 3, 2015, 3:01:49 PM5/3/15
How do I define the db name with sqlite?

When I run a scaffold and then run 
geddy jake db:init

Then I run 
geddy jake db:migrations

I set the db name in my config/development.js

model: {
    defaultAdapter: 'sqlite'
, db: {
dbname: "mydb"

I get a database named after my current username, which I don't understand where geddy got this from. I never defined my username in geddy. 

What am I doing wrong?

I have a database that is built using sqlite3 outside of geddy. I would like to open this database using geddy.

I am running into several problems. The main one being the name and the other being that geddy creates an id column for each record. Is there a way to migrate my database to a geddy database with this id?

I could just create a separate script to import the data from the exhisting db and import via the REST routes. Is that the best way?

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