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[Static] [all editions] 422.161228 update

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S. B.

Dec 30, 2016, 1:27:47 PM12/30/16
to GeckoLinux-updates
Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce updated releases of the GeckoLinux Static editions. These are live installable images based on the enterprise-grade openSUSE Leap distribution, currently at version 42.2, combined with driver and multimedia support from the Packman project. After installation, GeckoLinux Static systems can be easily updated in sync with the current updates that openSUSE Leap and Packman offer.

Changes to all GeckoLinux Static editions: The Calamares installer has received some minor bug fixes and an improved configuration to remove all of its unnecessary package dependencies from the installed system. Additionally, the official Google Chrome repository is now available and pre-configured out of the box, together with the previously available Google Talk plugin and Skype repositories. And finally, third-party package repository signing keys have been pre-loaded so that users are not prompted to trust them on the first run.

Cinnamon Static edition: There are no new changes apart from those previously mentioned in the base system. This edition features the Cinnamon 3.0.7 environment, now as part of the officially supported openSUSE Leap 42.2 repository. Download it here:

XFCE Static edition: There are no new changes apart from those previously mentioned in the base system. This edition features the XFCE desktop environment at version 4.12. Download it here:

Gnome Static edition: This edition features the Gnome desktop at version 3.20. In addition to the previously mentioned changes to the base system, it now disables reverse touchpad scrolling by default and offers Gnome Online Account integration. Download it here:

Plasma Static edition: This edition, featuring the Plasma desktop at version 5.8.3, now comes with small cosmetic tweaks and the Baloo5 search engine available out of the box. Download it here:

Mate Static edition: There are no new changes apart from those previously mentioned in the base system. This edition features the Mate desktop environment at version 1.16. Download it here:

Budgie Static edition: This edition is currently on hiatus until the next major release of Budgie is packaged and maintained in a permanent repository for openSUSE.

LXQt Static edition: This edition comes with the 0.11 release of the LXQt environment and related utilities. This release fixes theming for the Calamares installer, and also includes Bluetooth support, which was missing from previous releases. Download it here:

BareBones Static edition: Users with more specific needs can easily install a customized openSUSE Leap 42.2 system using the GeckoLinux Static BareBones edition as a starting point. It comes with LightDM, Openbox, Firefox, a terminal, YaST, and not much else in terms of applications. This release now includes support for UEFI systems. It also includes the new Calamares installer.
In the case of the BareBones edition, to run the Calamares installer, 1) Open the graphical terminal, 2) su root 3) calamares
Download it here:

As always, you can read about GeckoLinux and download the latest releases at the official website:

Have fun!
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