[all editions] Major re-spin of Plasma edition, Cinnamon 3.0, new Budgie version theme improvements

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May 27, 2016, 4:57:30 PM5/27/16
to GeckoLinux-updates
GeckoLinux is pleased to announce updates to all eight (8) editions with significant improvements to some editions:
  • Plasma (Stable) edition: The new 421.160527.0 GeckoLinux Plasma Stable edition is a brand new re-spin after a SuseStudio error led to corruption of the original configuration. openSUSE is doing a good job of maintaining its Leap branch, keeping it both stable and fresh with important updates to key applications. The Plasma Desktop version is now upgraded from 5.4.x to 5.5.5, with significant theming and stability improvements. The kwin compositor is still disabled by default due to a previous issue with Intel graphics, but stability seems to have improved significantly with the 5.5 release so that it might be usable on most systems now. This re-built Plasma edition also features better integration with the Numix theme, and no longer randomly reverts back to the default Breeze theme. Support for 3G USB dongles has also been added.
  • Cinnamon edition: The Cinnamon version is now upgraded to the major new 3.0 release with numerous small but significant improvements. Support for 3G USB dongles has also been added. Prior users of GeckoLinux with the Cinnamon version installed should install the haveged package to prevent major login delays.
  • Budgie edition: The Budgie version is now at 10.2.5 with significant improvements and bugfixes across the board. Integration with the default Numix theme is significantly improved in this release. Support for 3G USB dongles has also been added. Prior users of GeckoLinux with the Budgie version installed should install the haveged package to prevent major login delays.
  • All other editions: The XFCE, Gnome, Mate, LXQt, and "BareBones" editions have all received a package version refresh, and now include support for
    3G USB dongles.
Please post your thoughts and questions to the GeckoLinux forum, or read more about GeckoLinux on the Github page: http://geckolinux.github.io

Thanks for reading! Have fun.
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