[Static] [all editions] Updated to 421.160627.0 with minor repo change

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Jun 27, 2016, 12:53:09 PM6/27/16
to geckolinu...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,

All of the GeckoLinux "Static" edition ISOs based on openSUSE Leap 42.1
have been refreshed to the latest package versions in the Packman and
openSUSE repositories as of 2016-06-27. There has also been a small
change in the editions that use the LightDM login manager: the
non-official X11:Utilities repository has been removed, and the older
but better-tested LightDM version from the standard openSUSE Leap
repository is now used. This change should also avoid issues for users
that need run the "language-installer.sh" script to install additional
language support.

Read all about GeckoLinux "Static" or download the Cinnamon, Xfce,
Gnome, Plasma, Mate, Budgie, LXQt, or BareBones editions here:

Have fun!
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