Hi everyone,
I'm pleased to announce a set of updated spins for the GeckoLinux
Rolling editions, now at version 999.170124. The GeckoLinux Rolling editions are live installable DVD / USB images based on the well tested and highly stable openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling distribution, combined with driver and multimedia support from the Packman project. After installation, GeckoLinux Rolling systems can be easily updated in sync with the current updates that openSUSE Tumbleweed and Packman offer.
Changes to all GeckoLinux Rolling editions:
The Calamares installer is now updated to the major new 3.0 release, which fixes numerous bugs and adds some new features. Additionally, the old
has returned to GeckoLinux for advanced users that still prefer it, thanks to
an integration fix that allows it to be compatible with the current
state of openSUSE. Also, thanks to GeckoLinux user
Thanos Apostolou, an important bug has been identified and fixed that was preventing it from booting correctly on some hardware. Additional bug fixes and new package versions from the upstream openSUSE and
Packman repositories have also been included. The openSUSE Tumbleweed base release for these spins is now at version 20170123.
Budgie10 edition: The
GeckoLinux Budgie10 edition continues to generate interest, so a
provisional update is now available with the Budgie 10.2.9 maintenance
release and an updated openSUSE Tumbleweed base system. Eventually a different
Budgie repository will need to be used for openSUSE once version 11 of
Budgie is released.
Read about GeckoLinux and download the latest releases from the official website: