Help : How to get started with GEB Automation ?

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Nov 22, 2015, 6:03:02 AM11/22/15
to Geb Development Mailing List

Hi All,

I am someone who is new to automation and coding....

But recently we had some plans to implement GEB in our project for automating few manual scenarios.

We started googling few things about GEB and we were able find few stuffs in the GEB official site.

But still we are not able find the exact procedure on "How to get started with GEB ?".

Could someone help us out in providing the below information like

What are the things required to configure GEB with Groovy and why do we need ?

Detailed step by step procedure to configure GEB and create to GEB Project?

Which IDE is very much suitable for GEB ?

Kindly help us ASAP....


Vigneshwaran Ganesan

Mar 3, 2016, 12:49:44 PM3/3/16
to Geb Development Mailing List
Hi Mechanist,

You can intelliji for writing the automation testing. the below example give more details for beginner.

Dwarika Dhish Mishra

Jun 28, 2016, 4:44:21 PM6/28/16
to Geb Development Mailing List
A very good video tutorial all about Geb could be found on this link

and this course is going to cover 
1- Basic environment setup for Geb
2- Contains a step by step tutorial on Geb
3- This tutorial also covers Spock basics
4- Page Object Modelling as well

Hope this tutorial would help many beginners who are just searching some good tutorial.

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