i18n for the Book of Geb

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May 6, 2016, 5:59:24 AM5/6/16
to Geb Development Mailing List

I would like to ask if Geb document(the Book of Geb) has any plan to support i18n or accept a pull request for i18n.

I am trying to translate The Book of Geb into Japanese so that Japanese user can understand Geb better.
Then I realised the current directory structure of documents seems not to be suited for i18n.

In this case, I can:
1. Fork repository and translate to the forked origin. This way, the forked repository does not take effect to upstream and only for Japanese.
2. Issue PR to support i18n. This way needs to change directory structure and some other stuff. but it will accept several languages in one repository.
I want to ask which is the better way or there is another way.

I thought it would be great if Geb accepts a pull request about i18n.

Can you please give me an advice?



Marcin Erdmann

May 8, 2016, 12:43:22 PM5/8/16
to geb...@googlegroups.com
Hi Yotaro,

Thanks for offering to translate the Book of Geb into Japanese. I'm not sure that it's a feasible idea, to be honest, due to:
- the documentation is extensive and long, it took Luke and me many, many hours and a lot of effort to put it together so translating it will be a mammoth task for a single person (I'm assuming that you'd be doing it by yourself),
- the documentation is changing all the time (pretty much every new feature or update to a current feature carries a doc update) - how do you envision keeping track of what's changed in the English version to then update the Japanese version? I'd rather have no documentation than outdated documentation because it's very frustrating for people when the documentation does not reflect the reality.

Given that I'm not a fan of translating technical documentation to other languages (and it has nothing to do with English being my first language or something like that, because English is not my first language) I'd like to have a detailed plan of how this would work before putting in any effort into it. 


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