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Gearman queue handling

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May 5, 2020, 7:00:15 PM5/5/20
to Gearman
So we currently use Gearman with workers to distribute the processing of videos. My problem is that if a user sends a big batch of videos, then it takes over the queue.
So I want to be able to have a better queue system. Gearman is fine. Does the job as far as I know but I've been recommended to use Kafka or Rabbitmq for this.
Since some batches can be large, we can't allocate just one worker per user to fix this. Somehow we need to distribute it without blocking other users based on the workers that are available at every time.

What do you guys recommend?

Thanks in advance for your help!


May 5, 2020, 7:09:39 PM5/5/20
to Gearman
There are a couple of job priorities? might be simplest to just submit
batch jobs with the lower priority. then realtime jobs still get gobbled
off the top.

Depending on how your workers are set up you could also register multiple
functions, with one for realtime and one for batches. If workers then
wait on both functions they can consciously take N jobs from batch
before they stop listening on batch and only do some realtime work.

Clint Byrum

May 5, 2020, 8:46:06 PM5/5/20

As dormando said, if you have a clear distinction between "need ASAP" and "when we get to it", you can just run ASAP jobs as HIGH priority and batch jobs as "LOW" and monitor both queues, ensuring you always have some extra resources to get to those low jobs. Beware here though, these are *preemptive* priorities, which means HIGH jobs will *all* be sent to workers before any NORMAL or LOW jobs are.

However, if you don't actually have a clear and easy way to make that distinction at submit time, then the problem is not gearmand. rabbitmq and kafka are going to work the same if applied in the same simple manner. The simple mechanics of a single FIFO queue are your problem.

You may need a Quality of Service algorithm. has a bunch of them listed. Token bucket filter might work. Basically wherever you're submitting jobs directly to workers, you'll want to precede that with a QoS check of some kind. Some algorithms will buffer and delay, some will drop/reject. You have to figure out what works for your code base and economics.

However, in both cases, you might be being pennywise and pound foolish here. Cloud resources are cheap and virtually limitless, software development resources are the opposite. It's almost trivial to expand your worker pool elastically as demand rises and falls, but not so much to debug a scheduling algorithm.

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Feb 11, 2022, 5:38:00 AM2/11/22
to Gearman
Thank you both for your feedback! I just realized I didn't respond back then.
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