gdnsd 2.0.0 released

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Oct 1, 2014, 10:49:55 PM10/1/14

gdnsd 2.0.0 is released! (finally, several months later than planned)

Release announcement with changelog info vs 1.x:

Source download links at:

I won't go into all the change details here, as it's a pretty long list and fairly well-documented in the NEWS file.  Just a few critical points to make:

1) If you want to ease the transition of your configuration, try installing version 1.11.5 first (which was a very minor point release a few weeks ago that I never even posted about here, sorry!).  v1.11.5 contains runtime deprecation warnings for many of the things that changed in 2.0.0, and so its warning output on startup (check syslog) will give good pointers on making most of the transition.

2) While I'm reasonably confident in the quality of the code and have spent a great deal of time nitpicking it manually and with every tool I can find, this *is* a major release bump with a bunch of new code.  There could be bugs!  I'm not perfect, and neither are the tools! For critical infrastructure use, I'd advise rolling out to just one nameserver first and getting a feel for its stability before you upgrade everything.

3) If you have tools wrapping gdnsd for zone reloads and restarts, pay special attention to the top of the NEWS file: the signal and commandline actions related to reload-like things have changed to accommodate future plans.

Happy hacking,
-- Brandon
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