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Google Cloud Platform (Was: Google Apps 200 exercises Help needed)

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AMahdy AbdElAziz

Sep 17, 2013, 3:52:04 AM9/17/13
Hi Alaa,

Please don't hijack the thread with a different topic. As I can see you signed up and was selected to receive $2,000 in value. Which part is not clear?

AMahdy AbdElAziz

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:16 AM, Alaa Afifi <> wrote:
what's that ?
Hi Alaa Afifi,

Thanks for signing up for Google Cloud Platform Starter Pack. Good news, you have been selected to receive $1,000 in App Engine credit and $1,000 in Compute Engine credit! Follow these four quick steps to get started: 

Step 1: Create your Cloud Platform project: 

Step 2: Enable billing on your App Engine account: 

  • Go to
  • Click your newly created project name
  • Click 'App Engine'
  • Click 'Billing status'
  • Click 'Enable billing' and follow the instructions by choosing your country and entering your credit card information. You will not be charged. The billing status will change to 'Enabled' within 15 minutes.
Step 3: Enable billing for Compute Engine: 

  • Go to
  • Click your project name
  • Click 'Compute Engine'
  • Click 'Billing status'
  • Click blue 'Enable billing' and follow the instructions by choosing your country and entering your credit card information. You will not be charged.
Step 4: Let us know you're done: 

Once you have completed the form, we will apply your credits within two weeks and send you an email confirmation. If you use Google Cloud Platform products before we apply your credits you may be charged for that usage.

Learn from our technical experts how to get started using Cloud Platform in minutes. Join us for our live-streamed GDL event on September 25th, from 9:00am to 9:30am PDT

The Google Cloud Platform team

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 4:55 AM, Hesham Siam <> wrote:
First of thanks for ur reply , all i'm finished all the exercises and the validation tool sent me those .and i'm done with those exercises .

Ensure you have followed all steps in this exercise, all users, shared contacts etc. are created properly the GADS exercises (all parts)
Ensure that all data is migrated as described Mail migration with GAMMEPerform exercises with GAMME (all parts). Make sure you login as the migration user and mark ALL messages in inbox as UNREAD.
regarding that im using my  Vmware machine not the on demand lab .
my domain :
Regards & thanks for ur help

On Monday, September 16, 2013 1:19:47 PM UTC+2, Mohamed Soliman wrote:
yes i can help you,
but i need to know more details

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Hesham Siam <> wrote:
Dear Group Members .

kindly i'm finishing my Google apps 200 excercises and i have problem passing the GADS and the GAMME , can any one help ?


Hesham siam

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Alaa Afifi

Sep 17, 2013, 9:11:16 AM9/17/13
Hi AMahdy AbdElAziz 
i  didn't do any Application and received this mail and they asked me to Add the numbers of my visa  

AMahdy AbdElAziz

Sep 17, 2013, 9:34:46 AM9/17/13
Hi Alaa,

I suppose you filled the form to sign up for "Google Cloud Platform Starter Pack". If not then you can simply ignore this email.

The "enable billing" section of Google Platform requires a valid credit card. It's up to you afterall but it seems like a mandatory action to receive the free $2,000 and they won't charge you anything.

AMahdy AbdElAziz

Alaa Afifi

Sep 17, 2013, 9:42:41 AM9/17/13
thank you for your help
win without work it's incredible , so will sent my credit card 

thank you again :) 
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