Place : FCI Cairo
Date : 30/11/2013
Time : 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Abstract Agenda : - JCP Kick off program
- Java EE 7, 8 and beyond
Speaker : Mohamed Taman
Bio :
A Systems Architect, Java team leader, and consultant with around 12+ years’ experience in projects architecture, manages department team, projects deadlines, delivery times, capacity plans, and resource planning in case of concurrent projects / change requests development. Consultant / Architect for startup companies. Graduated from faculty of engineering, with B.Sc in computer engineering systems, major Electrical Engineering.
A JCP & EC (Executive committee) member at Java Community Process Organization. Working on many JSRs especially JEE7, 8 umbrella JSRs / Glassfish 4 evaluation and testing, and a member of Adopt-A-JSR, Adopt-OpenJDK, and FishCAT programs.
Member of MoroccoJUG and EGJUG, & Founder of JCP activities program group of EGJUG. Won the 11 annual JCP awards 2013 for Outstanding adopt-a-JSR participant.
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